Bear is a crate trained dog. He goes in his crate at 6:30am and is out about 4pm each day. He used to sleep in his crate at night also and would probably still be happy to do so, but I started having a little guilt about him being in there SO much in a 24 hour period that I started letting him sleep in my bedroom about a month ago.

Now, often while we're in bed he'll sleep up at the top of the bed next to my pillow, which is fine. But sometimes he'll lay down by my feet - this is where our problem begins.

If he's comfortable and I move my feet, he does this grunt/growl thing. Never a big deal - but last night he was startled by something and make a weird howl/bark noise. He was so freaked out that I even turned the light on to check on him. He settled back down near my feet and a few minutes later I moved my leg to scratch an itch and Bear BIT my foot like four times - HARD. Hard enough that I turned the light on to check my foot - luckily my quilt is pretty thick and there were no marks.

My questions - should I stop allowing him to sleep with me? Is he not getting rest because he's out of his crate and feels like he's "on watch"? Also, if I leave him in bed with me when he does the grunt/growl thing should I get on him? Was the bite sort of my fault for scaring him?

Bear isn't aggressive at all at any other time - I've never seen him aggressive towards a person or another animal.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE - Bear has been sleeping in the floor since I posted this, but I woke up to a strange noise last night and found him chewing the corner baseboard and drywall in my bedroom. He had a 30 minute walk yesterday and about 15 minutes of play with his favorite boxer next door and I was in the room in bed sleeping - not even 3 feet from him. He didn't seem to think he'd done anything wrong!!!!

1. Does anyone know how to repair a corner? He damaged the wood in the baseboard and the painted wall.

2. He'll be crated at night from now on. ugh - this is the first time he's done anything crazy like this.

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I don't know how y'all sleep, but we've always slept with complete darkness and all doors closed. Pooka has had all the sleeping arrangements at various times growing up (crate, to free in bedroom, to on the bed, to next to the bed on her own doggy bed) One thing I notice though, is that if the door happens to be open, she won't settle down. We'll be awoken at least twice in the night to her growlin/barkin at house noises. So "the bedroom" is her safety area, like a crate and she doesn't have to be on watch.

Maybe after a while, if you always have the doors closed, he'll feel the same way. I like the doggy bed next to the bed thing, its been working out best for us. Just made Pooka a big, round, deep new one =)

He probably went in the crate to feel safe? especially after the scary/bite incident. Nothing wrong with leaving an open crate for a safe haven.
He is still pretty young to be trustworthy. Chewing on things is what they do when they are young that's why crating is a good idea until they are older.
As for the baseboard the best repair is replacement but you could try wood putty and painting over it. This is proof that dogs decorating ideas are different than ours1
LOL sooo true!

Hopefully the wood putty is up for this job!

OMG, that's bad!! So sorry. Back in the crate for Bear. Jack was not trustworthy til he was a bit over a year. Not sure about Maddie as we did not have her as a pup.
Oh yeah, waaay past wood putty! You must be a heavy sleeper. My standard poodle years ago at age 9 decided my large sectional couch had a very nice flavor. Back in the crate he went since I figured I could only flip the cushion once! Some day you will look back on this and laugh! Have you joined "corgis behaving badly "yet?
Luckily I've already laughed it off. He looked so innocent and confused when I yelled NO at him, I really don't think he realized he was doing something bad. And I'm usually not a heavy sleeper, and even when it woke me up it was a very quiet noise. We're going to attempt the wood putty, if that doesn't work, we'll just have to figure something else out. LOL

I've been sooo lucky with him - he's never chewed on a piece of furniture, has only ruined one shoe (a croc, so had to be alluring) and the only thing until now that he's ever really ruined were some headphones.
All 3 of our dogs are crate trained and do sleep in crates when we are traveling. When we are home they all sleep in our room with door closed. KC on the bed between us, Taz under the bed, Levi on floor. Until my hubby gets up then they all get on bed.
Both of our pups sleep in their crate, Brodie we can trust during the day in the house, but he was over a year old before I even tried this, Lilly seems to help with decorating by destroying a pillow. She's 0 for 3, so she stays in her crate. But fortunately they have a fenced in yard and dog houses for during the day, so they're only inside when it's really nasty weather.

Just cut out the bad parts and put new parts on.
Not sure I can pull that off - but you gave me a GREAT idea, I'll just take the pictures with me to Lowe's and let them walk me through it! THANK YOU


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