Who likes to buy things just because it has a Corgi in the picture?

As a soon-to-be corgi owner I find myself stopping in my tracks at the pet store every time I see a Corgi on the label of an item...lol

I can't be the only one:)

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That. I would love to have!
Kathryn, I have seen this at the dog show I go to the end of November. I bet you could find it on line. Not sure of the company though.
My brother and his wife got my husband and I a corgi cookie jar for Christmas last year. I haven't gotten very many corgi things.....yet. But I am putting them at the top of my Christmas list this year. I would love a quilt for my bed.
Oh I have purchased a lot.
3 pairs of Corgi socks
A drawing of a dog like a coat of arms
A cookie mix called Spoted Corgis
Birthday gift bag that had a Corgi on it
A Corgi framed topiary frame for my mil also a Corgi owner
Italian charm
I think we need to get a corgi crown for the person with the most corgi memorabilia lol
I was going to buy a disposable digital camera because of the cardi on the box, but it was a lot of money. I was tempted to wait for someone to buy it and ask for the box. Having admitted this, I think I need Corgi's anonymous. LOL. We are so addicted to the little guys.
I do buy things just because they have a Corgi on them. i even go into the pet store in the mall everytime we're at the mall just to see if there is a Corgi in there. I don't like pet stores but I can't resist looking at Corgis. What's even funnier is that other people will buy me Corgi items too. I have a magnet my friend got me, a nail file my Mom got me and a sheet of stickers some guy from the business next door to where I work got me. I talked to him a couple times and he saw me bring Finn in for a visit one day so when he saw the stickers he thought of me. :)


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