Ok, so perhaps I am reading to much into this but I was wondering if this could be a possibility. Mickey is 99% housetrained with the ocasional accident. We have a downstairs which is carpeted which we recently started to block off because when we didnt he was going down there quite often during the day when we are gone. So now that we blocked off access we have NO MORE accidents! :) However I am a student and have been working alot on papers in my room (located downstairs) while my boyfriend is usually upstairs doing whatever he does...lol... Mickey has started coming downstairs, since it is not gated off when we are home) and coming to the door. I can hear him sniffing around and lie down and then about 2 minutes later heading upstairs. This is our problem: I come out of the room and found he has pooped AND peed, this has happened on four ocasions now, and I KNOW he didnt have to go because he had gone outside within an hour or two. Is he perhaps pissed off he cant come in the room? Or that my boyfriend and I are ignoring him? I admit, we do spend an awful lot fo time with him, although we do feel we are in control but we def spoil him. Any suggestions on how to fix this or what could be causing it? Simply the fact that he REALLY has to go (although I doubt that) or is this more of an attention seeking thing....????