Did your corgi's fur change color as they grew older? How much?

Finley is slowly starting to show a little orange on the edges of her black, and I'm wondering if I should expect it all to go tan (she's about 10 weeks now). Is this typical? Complete color transformations, that is? She's kind of oddly colored, as far as I can tell (being brand new to the corgi world), having one light blue eye, pink/black gums and nose, black freckles on her tummy and snout, and half a white head. I'm just curious about what her colors are going to do! :)

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Thank you for this-- it's really insightful. I love her coloring no matter what, but I am interested in learning all about her, too, so this is great. Are there any theories where the blue eyes come from? I assume they don't happen often, since they're recessive in general.
Sadie had the prettiest fur at 6 weeks. A red head and mix of gray and brown on her body. The breeder assured me she was a red. When the dark black hairs started appearing on her back I thought "Oh no! She isn't going to be red!" I began to panick a bit and I started googling and searching and asking the breeder. I finally came to the conclusion....I don't think anybody can be exactly sure of the final hair color. And then I realized... it doesn't really matter. She has etched her name on my heart! Her final hair color is just going to be a surprise. Right now she is mostly red with some black hair mixed in down her back. And looks like black roots on her head under her red :) Finley is so precious. AKC may considered her a mismark but her markings make her adorable:) All Corgi's are adorable but she is one of the cutest I've seen. I think she is always going to get a lot of attention wherever you go. Sadie is 7 months old. I'll keep you posted if there are any more changes with her fur (just for fun).
It's sooo true-- Finn can decide to get curly and go polka dotted if she wants, nothing is going to change me totally loving her! Sadie is gorgeous-- she looks so light, kind of like she's glowing, and with that smile! Absolutely keep me posted on her colors-- I'll let you know about Finn, too, it's fun!! =)
Potus had blackcolouring as a puppy- on his muzzle, ears, back and tail. As he's gotten older- he'll be one in under 2 weeks- its all faded except for his tail, its the only part left with niticable black colouring.
Miranda's coat has gained colors. Before her back was just black, now it is black with a greyish brown under coat, almost blue in color if the light hits it the right way. She also has developed those light brown hairs on top of her head, I believe it is called sable?? She did not have that when she was a pup, and her breeder did not call her a tri color sable Cardi. Other than that she is the same, it is small changes. Our Corgi mutt Morgan has actually been growing a white patch on the middle of his tail. That was definately not there before. So his colors are changing and are more noticable.
Oh yes, it is typical. She's so young! She will get more orange as she grows and by 1 year old she'll stop changing. All tri-colors are born just black and white and all reds are dark grey!
The freckles on her tummy will go away by 5 months, the nose will get completely black soon. Is she a pem or a cardi? Pems are not supposed to have blue eyes, but I think the fact that Finley has one is very cool!
She is a pem, though I know just about nothing about her parents, which is too bad. It was an odd experience with the breeder, and I asked for photos at the least but have yet to receive any. Oh well... But yes, the blue eye is strange, no? I see it in photos of cardigans a lot, but not pembrokes!
Thank you all for the replies!! I have enjoyed reading them all and it's so nice to read about all the ways their fur changes! When I was little there used to be baby dolls whose eyes were closed and whose hair was under a bonnet, so you didn't know until you brought them home and opened their box if they were a boy or a girl, and what their coloring was! This is, of course, a trillion times better, but it's still really fun and as a plus, it's really interesting.

I enjoy her mismarks, as they're called, and don't mind the direct description from those of you who know about official corgi colorings at all-- thank you for explaining.

I will let ya'll know what she ends up looking like! So far she still has her black torso, with a little orange on the edges and the back legs all orange, and her ears are black/orange at the moment! Light blue eye still light blue, and the white fur is a lot fluffier and softer than the black, which is still downy but has some gloss to it now!
Nellie was sable as a little puppy and has grown to be more red over time. She also had a spotted nose which has changed to all black. Her eyes were dark green at first and they are now brown. Seeing the transformation is pretty cool.


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