Hello everybodee!

Happy Winter...for those of us in Canada at least. This is my first winter owning a dog and I've got some worries. For instance...how long can I leave Tuesday out in the yard with snow. And how cold is too cold for her. And should she be wearing boots, and coats? There is so much to learn, but it's totally worth it.

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Corgis have a double coat, you won't need a coat on them. When Loki was a puppy last february he would be fine outside for 15-20 min, and was only 2.5-3 months old at the time. Some people recommend boots if salt is used heavily in the area as it may dry out their pads, otherwise, also not necessary. The only dogs that need coats are short haired, small dogs generally.
My corgis think we live in a winter wonderland and LOVE snow and cold!We live in southern Minnesota but I swear we're colder than some areas in northern MN. The 2 things I would watch for that mine don't really like is getting snow in between their paws and also if the windchills are extreme. We many times have -0 temps/whindchills of -20-30 or more and it doesn't bother them to be out 15-20 minutes either but I do watch if they start lifting their feet alot. Once they're running around and rolling mine like it much better than the hot humid summer!
Maybe do a google search ie: dogs outside in cold weather. But mainly I'm posting this so it moves to the top again so that more of our northern posters will have a chance to respond too.

In Naples Florida we call 88 a cold front! LOL!!!
Yah, in Scottsdale, Az we don't see much cold either. I've lived here my whole life and I think I would die if I tried to live somewhere with snow. :)

It's been many years since I went up to see the snow. This year we are detemined to take a drive up north so Finnigan can play in the snow. When I was little we would go sledding and take our Aussie and she loved it!
Good to know. Today was pretty mild but snowy. I was at my parents so she was in the backyard. After awhile she started to look a little uncomfortable is all the snow, but she sure loves playing around in it. I guess better cool than hot. And as we live in Edmonton we don't have to worry about them salting the streets, they use gravel. Phew. Cos I can't see her loving booties.
Here in KY we get bouts of snow, Bear seemed to have no problem at all with it, but I do always make sure to wipe his paws with a doggie baby wipe after we go for walks - they are SALT CRAZY here - it's everywhere once we get our first snow, and the pretreatment stuff, and I can't imagine that the salt is good for them.
Last winter we got done to -20ish here in Michigan. Ella seemed just fine in it but I didn't let her say out too long, maybe 10/15 mins tops. Also if the snow is really wet snow, then I will rub her down with her towel so she doesn't stay wet once inside.
I've heard that if you put a coat on a corgi during the winter, their undercoat won't get as thick (so less to brush out come spring). However I don't know if this really works, since Ella already had her winter coat when we got her in February.
If it's below 15F I won't keep the dog out for more than about 15 minutes. If it's in the single digits I only go out for potty breaks. Corgis are double-coated as mentioned so they don't need jackets.

I worry about frostbite on ears and toes if it's too cold. As Jane mentioned, if they start lifting alternating paws, it could be freezing toes. Clean the feet with a damp towel when you come in if they have crossed any salted roads.

Last winter we had a stretch of single digits and Jack did NOT want to come in. As I said, at that cold of a temp I won't stay out, but I did feel his nose, ears, and paws, and shockingly enough they were all toasty, so I think I am using an abundance of caution and he probably would have been fine for a normal walk. I just didn't want to risk it.


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