Ever since Shiro was a small puppy he carried the leash in his mouth on walks. I don't mind that because a) it keeps his mouth occupied and he can't grab something off the floor and b) acts like reigns on a horse, when I pull it slightly his head turns and the direction. hehe
He does it as soon as we go out the door, like he can't wait to go for a walk. I think it's funny and cute.
Does your corgi do that?

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Wynn will do this and he has also taken the other dogs leash and led them around while I was walking with them. Since we usually are walking the driveway I don't mind and he seems to know when we are out somewhere that he can't do this!
Wynstan does this too, but I think it is because he thinks its a chew toy. Of course I guess I can excuse him because he only 8 weeks old.
It took Finn a while to get used to having a leash on. He would chew it too and it would distract him from going potty. We'd try to keep it behind him out of of his line of site but once he saw it, it was all over. His only goal was to get that leash!
hehe, it is totally normal for little puppies. Somebody told me he'd grow out of it, but he didn't. Yet.
Cinnamon has started this. Nutmeg never did it. It's the only way she will walk, or I have to half drag her. She doesn't mind her collar nor her harness, but just hates being told where to walk.
After a while, I will switch her to the "choke" collar for walk like I did for Nutmeg. It really made walks with Nutmeg a whole new WONDERFUL experience, when I could correct her slightly, and not have to drag her. Now she loves hearing that chain noise, and knows it's time for a w.a.l.k. It really is a NO NO in the big picture, but when push comes to pull....I'll let her teeth on it while getting her walking in.
Yes, Shiro'll grab it immediately if we run! I let him do it because otherwise he doesn't even look where he's giong, just trying to grab the leash and jumping.
When Sidney is in a frenzy of excitement in anticipation of a walk, he will take his leash in his mouth and "guide" me down the sidewalk! I tell him to "drop it" because one of my other dogs chomped right through his leash when he did the same, and leashes are just too darn expensive! He does drop it quickly, so that's good. It's like he's saying "hurry up Mom! There are bushes to sniff and icky things to roll around in just ahead!"

Sorry but my work computer sticks all replies at the bottom, so this is in response to your post about Finn throwing a fit!

Yes, Jack would (and every now and then still does) grab the leash, shake his head, growl, and sometimes flip over on his back and roll around if he was not happy with my decision to head towards home (Jack almost never thinks a walk is long enough for his liking).

I would carry small treats in my pocket and if I said "leave it" the second he'd drop it I'd pop a treat at him before he had a chance to grab the leash again. I gradually expected longer and longer periods of better behavior and treated him less and less often to phase in the new behavior and phase out the treats. Periodically I still "good boy!" him when he's trotting along nicely next to me. I reserve treats for very good behavior, like walking on when someone else's dog is play-bowing just a short distance away, for example.

He is stubborn and fighting with him did not improve the situation at all! Instead I just made him think it was more fun to walk on than have a tug-of-war with the leash.

If I tell Madison "no" her ears go back and she apologizes, but it's not so easy to win a battle with my stubborn boy.
Treats were going to be my next tactic. I keep forgetting to put some in my pocket though. Once in a while he will drop the leash when I stop walking and tell him to drop it but as soon as I take a step he grabs it again, I stop, he drops it and this continues. I don't always have time to play his games. I tried getting him to do it in the house but he's perfect on leash in the house. You'd think he was a show dog. Outside is a whole other story. Boys can be very stubborn indeed.
yes, totally!
Every time I say 1, 2, 3...run....she aims for the leash and runs with me with the leash on her mouth. I think it's cute also, but sometimes she gets so focused on grabbing the leash instead of running that i have to look down not to run over her.


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