stoping a corgi from jumping CONSTANTLY. Worried for her hip/joint health in the future.

Hey all..Here with another question for Ms. Maggie. My boyfriend and I were big fails at teaching maggie to not jump on the furniture. Yeah, we were those people that thought she was so cute and tiny and little and oh, jumping on the couch and sitting with us...not a big deal. Oh, little did we know that it would turn into this lovely game that she plays on a daily basis.

Shes a yr and 3 months now...and we are beginning to get a bit concerned for if she keeps this it would affect her joints, back, etc.

We have a low chair, and a futon that she jumps off of. What she does is that she will run up on the chair, to the futon, to the floor, in circles, for minutes on end. She likes to play chase to.

Any ideas how we can hault this? I know that it is our fault...but she is very smart...maybe she can learn it now?


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Honestly, I'm no better. Bear refuses to use the steps for my bed and Goldy jumped up on the couch for the first time tonight. I think a lot of it is hard because they sooo hate to be picked least mine do. I have seen plastic mats with pokey nubs on them that you put on furniture that you don't want them on, it doesn't hurt them, they just don't like the way it feels on their feet.
She sounds like great fun!

The only thing you have to worry about is jumping DOWN. Jumping up is fine. And jumping down is fine as long as it's not from a height (not off a deck or down from a truck bed or something). If you're concerned about jumping down, why not put something (a hard cushion, etc.) where she always lands? That way she can continue to jump but won't land hard.

Mine are all allowed on the couch and (low) bed and even heavily pregnant Clue can jump on and off them. I would never run couch drills or something where they jumped repeatedly, but a couple times a day should be fine.
I think most of us here let our dogs on the furniture and they jump down. As Joanna says the height is important...I have occasionally seen mine jump from taller things that they shouldn't have (my sneaky one,Wynn). Sounds like good exercise!
I also think it's different if they are not in good physical shape but if we look at what these dogs were bred to do then they have jumped much further than onto the floor.
oh yeah, she is! it really is not a tall futon...i would say a foot from the floor? I may try putting something down. She certainly is an active girl, no worries there! I was just worried because she literally will run/jump in circles for 10-15 mins straight. lol
That's great; that's what you want her to do.

I wanted to clarify that jumping down from height isn't good for any dog; it's not corgis that are particularly susceptible. Military working dog handlers aren't allowed to jump their dogs off the backs of trucks (if it can be avoided, of course) and those are the toughest dogs on earth. Dogs are fantastic jumpers but you want the jump to be the full arc; jumping from something tall down to a hard surface is hard on a lot of ligaments.

A foot-tall futon is nothing I'd ever worry about; let her play. If she were addicted to jumping from the back of the couch to the floor, then I'd be concerned.


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