I was petting Finn today and when he rolled over I noticed a strange patch on the pad of one of his back feet. It doesn't look like anything on any of the other pads and I don't know if it's a problem or just a callus and I'm overreacting. I took the best pictures I could considering the bad lighting and a dog that won't sit still. It's a white spot with black specks on it. It's on the right at the edge of the pad. Does anyone know what this could be?

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Great pictures, wow. If you look at #3 in full size, I think the black specks are the hair follicles. It looks to me like he maybe scraped it and cut it in the middle? I would just keep an eye on it for a week or so and make sure it's healing; if it doesn't get better or if it spreads, take him in.
Wow!!! That looks scary. I would take him to the vet. I have never seen anything like it before either. Please keep us informed! Hugs from me and Kota.
The pics show it well! I don't have a clue but my 1st thing I would do since it won't hurt would be to wash it with peroxide and a cotton ball. If it foams most likely there is some sort of infection. I have never seen something like this and to me it looks like some bug eggs but I don't know why they would be there! Sorry I can't help!
No idea. That is weird. I think I would want it looked at. Have you tried washing his foot in a bucket of warm water to see if anything changes with the spot?
I'm glad I'm not the only one baffled by it. It was 2:30am when I noticed it and I was taking pictures until 3am before I got shots that weren't too bright or blurry. What a task!

We cleaned it with rubbing alcohol last night and today it doesn't look as white. Joanna, I think you're right about the spots being the hair follicles since I can see spots on other areas of the pad as well only they are not black like that. It feels rough like a callus, not squishy like a blister. I can see a tiny are in the center where it looks slightly shiny as if it were scraped recently but I don't see any redness. I don't think it's hurting him. Last night when I touched it lightly he pulled away but I think it may have just tickled. Touching it today with more pressure he doesn't see bothered other than the fact that he doesn't like having his foot held still. The alcohol make it look significantly more normal so I think I'll clean it a couple more times and go from there since the vet won't be open until Monday anyway.

Thank you all for your input. I'm at least glad that no one recognized it as an obvious problem requiring immediate attention. I will keep you posted and take another picture to show changes.
LaVerne had something very similar. I didnt really pay attention because I thought it was part of her pad that had gotten callused but my son mentioned it didnt look right so off to the vet we went. Turned out to be some sort of abscess that she had to have removed. It didnt feel squishy either, but kind of firm and the area turned more pinkish and slightly bumpy. My Vet thought she had probably gotten poked with something while running through our field. It didnt seem to bother her.....no limping or acting like it was tender. You may want to have your Vet take a peek and see.
has it changed?
Last night it looked like it was getting darker rather than looking so white. I'll clean it off again tonight and see how it looks.
can you please post updated pics :D #3 was bothering me and would like another close up if possible. Thanks a lot.
Yes, I'll try to take some tonight if I can.
How is his paw?


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