We all try to watch our dogs the best we can, but sometimes we just don't catch them picking up things that we don't want them too...

What are some of the things that you have seen in your Corgis feces lol!

Odin is 5 months and I can say that I try to watch everything he eats...but sometimes he poops things and I just have to shake my head.

  • Twine
  • Plastic toy chunks...
I know Wynstan has passed a baby from a King's Cake...

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a few cigarette butts too. But I think the baby trumps a lot of items thus far
We had a bucketful of water that we'd washed salmon eggs with. I figured it'd be good fertilizer for the new tree we'd planted, so I poured it in the sand around the planting. The dog turds were pure sand for the next coupla days.
greg has to wear earplugs(bright orange) for work so it's unmistakable when they come out in the poop !!
The funniest one - not my Corgi, but another dog I had - for my birthday, a friend sent me a card filled with those little confettis that are in shapes? These were actually words - little, sparkly confettis in all different colors, of the word "SURPRISE".

When I opened the card, hundreds of these tiny "SURPRISE" confettis went everywhere - eventually, there were 'decorated' little piles in the yard. =)
Renew! This is too funny! I shouldn't read posts like this while at work in a quiet office...
Bear doesn't "eat" tennis balls, but he pulls the fuzz off of them like peeling an apple, one day he went poop and it was fluorescent green and fuzzy...lovely.
Jack does this too! The first time I saw green poop I was ready to take him to the vet, and then I remembered. Haha.
Tanner and Dakota both do this as well!
The normal things come out of Peanut and Tulip, toy stuffing, strings, plastic toy chunks. But our 'Big Dog' Buddy, who has sinced passed, had a thing about eating objects. He was such a sweet loving dog, and we NEVER caught him eating anything weird, but it would come out in his poop. Hair scrunchies, ear plugs, shoe laces, sox! One time I couldn't find the tie backs for the curtains... sure enough--they came out in the poop!!
Aluminum foil. I don't even know how eating that could have been pleasant.
Mine is really disgusting.. but Gibson used to rummage through our bathroom trash if we let it get full enough.. especially during certain times of the month... and well... I'll let you use your imagination as to what i've seen come out the other end of him... Sorry. lol
Kelly stool takes the cake


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