My 11mo corgi Pebble barks very barely since I got her. She is super friendly and never barks at people.

During walks when there are other dogs barking at Pebble, she remains super calm and never barks back.

However, recently she starts growling when there are dogs/people walking outside the hallway (we live in an apartment).

And whenever I leave the apartment for school or whatever, she barks VERY aggressively and I can hear it even I walked into the elevator! 

Well, I walk her every morning before I leave for school, I don't get why she still barks when I leave home after I've walked her... and I don't understand why she's constantly growling? Maybe she's jealous of the dogs in the hallway who are going out for walks? I have no clue.

I mean it's totally normal for a dog to bark. But sometimes she barks so suddenly that it just freaks me out. I tell her "no" when she growls but it doesn't help.

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Goldy does this too, yaps like crazy from inside her kennel once she hears the gate open, but doesn't bark while she's in there during the day while I'm at work (I've eavesdropped on her). Bear on the other hand doesn't make a peep and looks like he's just opened his eyes when I've opened the door.
Has anyone ever tried a bark collar or correction collar?
No, but I'd only use it as a last resort (like if I were about to get evicted). The problem with a bark collar is it punishes the dog indiscriminately every time it barks, meaning it will punish the dog for barking when it's appropriate to bark. I would think it would be very frustrating and confusing for the dog, and you also take away the dog's watchdog tendency.

Plus, unless you are very careful, they quickly learn that they only get sprayed/shocked if the funny collar is on, so basically you condition them to not bark when the collar is on. Since I won't leave a collar on an unattended dog, it could still leave you with a dog that barks when no one is home.
That's the trouble with negative reinforcement: you teach the kids to keep their fingers out of the cookie jar when you are watching them.
My bro told me that dogs figure out quickly when the shock collar batteries are dead.
I talked to a breeder who uses a shock collar at a low setting because one dog would bark all the time which set off all the others barking. The breeder would put it on the one causing the chaos and claims it worked. I believe this was a last resort effort as the kennel did have neighbors that were less than thrilled with a pack barking all the time. I would definitely try everything else first.

I saw a dog at the dog park the other day that had on a shock collar. I think that's just mean to take him somewhere he's going to get excited and want to play and with playing comes barking/whining but when he tries it he'll get shocked. maybe that's just me but I thought it was not a good setting for a bark collar.
I recently moved into a new place and have considered a bark collar but HATE the thought of it. Penny has been barking like a mad woman the minute she gets out the door and won't stop...she barks the whole time she is going potty, barks at the wind, barks at the garbage can, barks at nothing at all. I've tried staying out there with her so she feels safe and correcting her but nothing seems to stop her. I'm worried that my neighbors are going to start to get irritated with this. Funny thing is that there are dogs all over my neighborhood and none of them bark at all. I know it is a new setting for her so I've been holding off doing anything hoping that it will get better as she adjusts to the new place.
I would never use a shock collar but wonder if some of the sound type items work that you see advertised. I started using a "silent" whistle with Sparty. It is a process though because the dog needs to get rewarded for acknowledging the whistle and then you can start to move on to quiet. A shock collar seems to me like it would just lead to confusion and pain is a terrible motivator. I really don't know though because Sparty is ten and still a barker! Although he does not bark at nothing, it is his way of greeting.
Have you tried distracting her when outside? Maybe giving her some yummy treats or a favorite toy? Will she even accept food when offered if she is outside (sometimes once they get wound up they won't accept food).

It might help too if you can gather up another person or a dog that she knows; there is safety in numbers and some dogs that get a bit frantic when just with you will relax more in a group. Other dogs find a group stressful and it has the opposite effect, so it's sort of trial and error.

Have you tried walking her over to things she barks at, like the garbage can, and letting her approach and sniff on her own time? Sometimes that can help too.
I haven't tried the treat thing outside...maybe we will work on that. Honestly I could care less if she barks...she's a dog...have at it, but I do worry about the neighbors! Thanks for the ideas!
We are fortunate insofar as Al & Gwynn are not barky at all. They'll do a Dog Alarm warning bark when someone comes to the door or into the driveway, occasionally at passersby from the yard. Al has throaty "Play With Me!" bark, and he often barks once or twice, sharply, when he catches and kills the soccer ball.
Most endearing is the "Welcome Home!" barking; they both go utterly berserk and jump all over each other and me when I come home from work; it's 'bad behavior', but they don't jump on other people -- I believe they learned that it's OK to jump on me, but nobody else (not a behavior to encourage or even allow).
We let them out "One Last Time" before bed, and every time, Gwynnie emits one sharp, almost aggressive bark as she heads out the door. ???
For the most part, they are silent. When hiking, I almost wish they would answer verbally when I call (mostly they stay quite close).


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