I'm sooooo sad to write this...
Our beautiful dog Guinness is causing me severe asthma and allergies. The cost of the medication alone for me is 400$ a month.
Guinness loves cuddles and long walks on the beach (literally). He loves kids (we have three under five). He also is very playful with other dogs.
The 'breeder' I got him from, in hindsight, isn't someone I would use again and so I don't want him to go back there.
I live near Vancouver, BC and I just want him to have a great life. I'd love for him to go straight into a new home and not to a kennel first.... This is Really Really hard... Any suggestions?

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The breeder we used - wasn't really a breeder. We were naive...
Ellen, see below message from Sam regarding bringing a dog to US from Canada. Do you have the vacinnation records, and can you obtain a health certifiate?
Please let me know, I am very interested in adding him to our family. We have two acres, lots of running and playing room. Tomas would love to have a playmate. How old is Guinness?
Perhaps you can email me your number and we can chat. This is a very hard decision for my family and I'll feel better if we can chat.

What is he eating and how often are you bathing him? Dog dander is a LOT easier to combat than cat dander, because it's slippery and can be washed off. Have you tried bathing him every 2-3 days (which is totally fine and safe as long as you use a mild shampoo) and switching to a grain-free natural diet? You may have a real chance of being able to keep him, honestly.
Hi, Be patient. Someone will be able to rescue this beautiful dog. I live in US, and don't know the rules of cross country pets.Please give people time to read this and figure out to work this out.
Sorry about your allergies. Be well.
I would take him in a heartbeat and I'm sure everyone else on here would too, but like Cheryl said, I don't know the rules of getting an animal from across the border. Hang in there. I can only imagine what it would be like. I faced that with Cop because right after I got him, I starting breaking out and got this terrible rash and I thought I was all the sudden allergic to dogs or animals in general. That would have probably broke me. I can't live without my animals. I would try what Joanna said. Don't give up yet. I will see if there is any possible way you can keep your baby. I'll do some research. If not, I'm sure you can find him a good home.
This may save you and your boy heartache. This site was pretty interesting and full of good things to know. Joanna was definitely on the right path.

On the site above, it will give you a list of 10 dogs with low allergen levels. Unfortunately corgi is not on there, and personally not many dogs I would choose to have but good to know.

This site could be of some use to maybe

and possibly this one

Most of these say keep the dog out of your bedroom. I know personally how hard this could be but I would probably try most of these things before giving up. Good luck!
Ellen; I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Are you sure your allergies are caused by the dog specifically? I used to "vacuum" Yardley to get off the excess hair between bathings as corgis are pretty heavy shedders.
I can't imagine the pain you're going through staring at this dilemma. Do you know of a corgi rescue in your area? Perhaps a reputable breeder you could talk to? Please don't punish yourself for your choice of breeder! I know how you feel on that; my little guy was from a pet store (were we naive or what back in 1998?) - PJ's in fact, you may know them depending on where you are in the Fraser Valley - and I have traced his roots back to a notorious puppy mill in South Dakota. We just lost him about 11 weeks ago to a rare form of lymphosarcoma.

I'm so glad to see you're using this forum. There will be a happy ending! One way or the other.
Hi Ellen, I am so sorry to hear what you're going through. You have several options.

1. If you don't want to give Guinness up just yet, I'll be happy to tell you my experience in allergy management.

2. I can understand how difficult it must be with 3 kids and a dog. Whatever you do, DO NOT put him in a shelter. Contact our member Munira Murphy, she's a volunteer with Ocean Dog Rescue and may be able to help you.

3. You can also contact the following people to surrender Guinness.

Margaret Power, Victoria.
Phone 250-598-8456

Helen Moulden, Sidney, BC
Phone: 250-656-7695
E-mail: hlmoulden@entirety.ca

Mrs. Andrea Tetlow, Victoria, BC
Phone: 250-479-1947
E-mail: btetlow@telus.net

4. We have several members who live in your area, perhaps they may be able to help you as well.

5. There is nothing really special about bringing a dog across the border to and from Canada, just a 10 days old health cert from a vet and couple of hours wait time driving across, after 11pm is smooth sailing :) No biggie.

Keep us updated! Let us know what we can do.

Hello all,

Wanted to let you know, I adopted Guinness one year ago from Ellen and her family. This has been a happy ending, though I know difficult for Ellen to let Guinness go. He is a wonderful, loving dog, is a best friend and playmate with my first corgi, Tomas, and has been an amazing addition to my life!  He is more than loved!!



Thank you so much for the update Linda! Big Thumbs up :)
That is really good news! A happy ending!


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