We got our little Corgi, Toast, a month or so ago. She is generally independent when we take her to new places; she'll explore on her own and we're always chasing her down. However, in our apartment, she follows us everywhere. If you roll over on the bed she'll crawl over to the other side. If you get up to go in to the kitchen, she follows you. What's most noticeable is how she'll drop whatever she's doing - even if it's playing with someone - to follow a person in to the potty. Why is this? She doesn't even watch you! She just goes and sits next to you while you do your business and then wanders out when you're done and leave as well. 

It's not bothersome at all... I'm just curious as to what the hell the reason behind it is. 


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Great term: Velcro Dog! I might have to name my next corgi Velcro.
Caleb does this as well, it's a rare time you can sneak away from him.
If he thinks there could be a chance that you'll do something fun without him he'll fall asleep with his head on your foot.
It is really funny when my husband and I are in different rooms. Sparty usually ends up in the doorway so he can keep an eye on both of us.
Earlier I was on the deck and my husband was in the kitchen. Jack barked to go in, then barked to go out, then barked to go in again. When I came back in I found both Corgis laying near the door to the deck, looking perturbed.
I have had two corgi shadows. Gwenie follows me all over. I think it has to do to the herding breed in them. Its OK I think its cool my shadow is that of a corgi.
Both mine are velcro corgis...makes an interesting morning, I'll be trying to get ready for work and both of them will be in the bathroom while I'm doing my hair and makeup along with at least one of the kids...makes a very very crowded place.
I go through the morning bathroom routine with three underfoot. It makes getting to the toilet a challenge!
hahaha, nice!
Nibbler does this too, and she is 11 months old! If you don't fully close the bathroom door she will jump against it with her paws and push it open. Even though she absolutely hates taking baths if you are in the shower, she'll jump up and stick her nose by the shower curtain and watch you. We jokingly call her a stalker, because she will be lying down in the living room, and I'll walk into the kitchen and turn around and she is lying down in the same position behind me, just staring at me. I think it's sweet but if we bring her over to someone else's house, especially if they have a dog, she isn't clingy at all.
Oh my gosh, our dog does this too! She hates the shower and getting a bath but loves to just get her head a bit wet when we're taking a shower. It's awesome knowing that someone else's dog does this too :)
my 6 month old Corgi does the same for most of the time, though she loves spending time in our yard because there's lots of quail and birds to look at. When we're inside, she always has to be in the same room, sitting by our feet either sleeping or minding her own business and chewing on her toys. When i'm doing the dishes, she spreads out right on the kitchen matt under my feet. She gets hit by cabinet doors and drawers a lot because she always has to stick her nose in our business. No matter how often she gets accidentally kicked or hit by anything, she always jumps in right there behind us. :)
As soon as I read this, I thought "Securely attached! Securely attached!" Ahh! I know human psychology should not be used to understand animal psychology in most cases, but dogs and humans have evolved together for thousands of years and figured this type of social/developmental behavior might have some significance.

In psychology, we learned about Ainsworth's theories of attachment in children--which is as you would suspect: how do/are children attached to their parents/caregivers? There are two types of attachment: secure and insecure, where insecure has 3 subcategories that you do not want your children (or dogs!) to be in. Basically, securely attached children feel very comfortable when their caregiver is present, so they'll explore to their heart's content and be independent. The child will follow and be clingy when the caregiver decides to leave, however, because they are the source of it's security. This sort of behavior can be projected onto strangers as well. (Read more about attachment theory if you so desire: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_theory)

Of course, this doesn't translate perfectly to Toast. She is a dog who was bred to herd after all. But secure attachment could play a role in it. Yay, science!


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