Tegan is getting spayed tomorrow.  She's 6 months now, and my vet likes to do the surgery before the first heat cycle. I've read the comments about the neutering, but I wanted to get some "spay-specific" feedback. 


I was just hoping to get some insight & hear experiences from others about the aftercare.  My vet will be keeping her overnight at the hospital so that she has 24-hour observation and care after the surgery, but I'm wondering about what to expect when I bring her home Friday morning.


And yes, I'm really, really nervous about her going under general anesthesia & I'm having all of the usual mom worries about the surgery! 

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I have had several females spayed and never had a problem except for one who I had a little trouble with her feeling so good it was hard to keep her quieter. My guess would be that after a night at the vet she will already be feeling much better. I have always brought mine home the same day. Never used all the pain pills but just watch so she doesn't do too much especially steps and not run around. Make sure they give you an after surgery list of things to do/not do and also things to watch out for (such as incision site,swelling etc) I know it's always better when it's over and she's home! Good luck! Try to stay busy as it will be harder on you!
Thank you! And you are absolutely right! Right now Tegan's running around the house playing with Dad, while Mom worries. I am torn about bringing her home the same day -- I kind of wish I could because we'll miss her and I want to be sure she's okay, but the vet insists that she stay overnight because the doctors and staff will be checking her regularly to make sure she doesn't have any problems, which makes me feel better since I have absolutely no idea what to do... Not to mention that I'll fall asleep :) I will be sure to ask detailed questions about what to watch out for, and I hadn't thought about the steps (which are outside both our front and back doors). I think I need to stop worrying and take your advice to keep busy!
I would suggest keeping her there overnight...I know it's hard but it might be the best for both of you. Most vets insist on this and I think a lot has to do with their liability. They're looking pretty rough those 1st few hours and will sleep anyway. Watch for licking also...I only had 1 male that was a TERRIBLE licker! The vet tech still laughs! May the time go fast...she'll be feeling much better tomorrow and ready for all those hugs and kisses!
She'll come through like a pro. Will probably be a little sore for a couple of days, but I'm sure she'll bounce back fast!
Just give her some extra love and kisses and she'll be just fine.
Thank you so much -- that's what I need to hear! I'm starting on the extra loving and kissing tonight, but of course she just wants to play :)
I bet you can't wait till Fri. How did the surgery go?
You are so very right -- we were just saying that the house feels completely different without her here. The surgery went well, and our vet said she was recovering nicely. When we talked they were getting ready to offer her some of her food. I can't wait until tomorrow morning!
An e collar was needed with Chloe. The E collar seemed to move her ears. After the procedure I saw another type of collar to prevent licking. I am sure your baby will be fine.
Thanks so much for your comments. Tegan is home and feeling slightly less feisty than normal, but not by much! I did have another question -- did anyone experience really runny poos right after the spaying? I'm wondering if it's an effect of the anesthesia. She couldn't even control her bowels and went on the rug not too long after we got home (and I had purposely kept her outside for a few minutes). She hasn't gone indoors in weeks.

My challenge now is to try to keep her quiet today, and the vet said no dog park until her stitches come out. She is going to be vibrating with energy!


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