Im a first time corgi owner, because of cirumstances he has to sleep in my room at night, its a pluss for taking him out but little for anything else. when its time to go to sleep he'll be on the bed with me its close enough to the ground so he can get on and off with out trouble, but all he does is whine, bark and nip. if you have any advise and tips i would really love to hear it.

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A crate would be my advice. I think I'd have probably strangled Casey to death if I tried to sleep with her at night, lol. I would have definitely been sleep-deprived and very annoyed.

But honestly, I would invest in a crate for her, and that can be where she spends her nights. It's like her own little den and she'll probably be content sleeping in there next to your bed.

If your really against crates, or don't want to buy one, you could always try setting out a blanket on the floor that's her bed area for her to sleep, or even doing something similar on the bed if you really want her sleeping in your bed. Praise her for staying on the blanket and correct her when she get's off. This way she understands that there are boundaries when you’re sleeping. I think this route would take a lot of time for her to figure out though, and it would be a while before you actually spend an entire night comfortably.
A firm no and if he continues put him on the floor. Do not give in unless he settles down. Is he getting enough exercise in the evening? If he is 1 &1/2 he should be getting at minimum two 45 min walks a day if he is a typical high energy corgi. It may be tough to get him to understand if he has gotten attention for this behavior. You have to be very consistent.
hes still a pup 12 wks not sure how much exercise to give at night, but will keep trying and if nothing else im sure he wudnt mind a crate for himself
Oh 12 weeks! I would crate him next to your bed. He just is not going to get that he isn't supposed to wake you up! For some reason I thought he was older. As young as he is, he still doesn't get the whole "it is night time thing". It will improve but it takes time, he is used to playing with his littermates and nursing at night.
I always had Kota in my room on the bed with me. How long how long have you had him in your room at night? Do you mind him in your bed? Or would you rather him on the floor? First, you have to make that decision. If you don't mind him on your bed, then I would make sure that the only time he is on your bed is for bedtime. At first I held him kind of in the crook of my arm or just had my hand on him so I knew where he was and what he was doing. If he starts trying to play or whines etc. then a firm "no" and hold him kind of tightly until he settles down. If he starts to nip, I hold his mouth shut and say "no biting" and hold his mouth shut till he settles down but make sure you don't cover his nose so he can still breathe.. I do the same with barking. But say "no barking". It will take a while for him to understand that the bed is for sleepy time. But, he will eventually get it. That's what I did and he got it after a bit. If you don't really want him on your bed while you are sleeping... it would be easier with a crate for his bed time, I would put a blanket in it and don't ever use it for punishment. Have you ever used a crate before with another dog? You have to introduce them to it. He probably will not like it a lot at first... so, you should not just get it and put him in it at night. I would get it and put it in a place where everyone is... ie. the living room or whatnot and show it to him and let him sniff it and coax him onto it without shutting it with a treat. Then move up into getting him to go in it with a treat and shutting the door, keeping him in there for a minute or two and move up in time periods with you staying in the room and leaving the room so he gets used to it. Then, when he is used to it... put it in your room and use it for night time. As he gets older and understands it's for bedtime, you may be able to keep the door open at all times and he may go in whenever he wants a nap... If you don't mind him roaming around and sleeping wherever in your room, it would be a bit more difficult as he will probably try to play with everything and try to climb up on your bed... but, the blanket idea Carla mentioned would probably work. It would take a lot of time and effort as you would always have to get up and stop him from doing whatever he is doing in your room and try to get him to stay on the blanket... Good luck with whatever you decide. I went with the on the bed thing coz I love when they curl up in the crook of my legs or by my back. It's so sweet. Many people say it's not a good idea to have them on your bed because it teaches them that they are equal to you and that you aren't the boss... But, I believe as long as they know you are the boss in everything else and they learn that the bed is for bedtime and you decide when they can come up on the bed... then you are still the boss. That's just my opinion though.
im fine with having him sleep with me, and iv had him for a lil over a week. he has kinda calmed down some but is still a lil rowdy.
I'd def make sure he's getting enough exercise. Even if it's a 12-wk-old pup, he needs a way to expend his energy. If he's tired when you go to bed, he should fall right to sleep...
I'd crate him next to the bed! You can reach your hand over to let him know your there if you need to!
Our corgi was crate trained before we even got him but we would have to catch him to put him to bed. Now he goes in when we lay down in bed because he knows it's bedtime. We keep his crate in our bedroom because he knows were there and he gets antsy when we aren't there
Crate him. Having a dog crate trained is a good thing for more than just sleeping at night. Crate trained dogs and pups have a place they can go while you are gone and be safe. Their crate keeps them out of stuff that they can hurt or even worse, could hurt them. When they are past the chewing, getting into stuff stage, then you can leave them out at night. Rocky and Rosie aren't crated at night now when we are home but they were until we could trust them at about 1 year old+.

We take our dogs when we travel and always take their crates. We rent a house for a month or two at a time and when making the arrangements for the house to rent, the owners of the house really appreciate the fact that we will crate the dogs when we leave their house and at night. It really earns you brownie points when renting a place for a vacation!!!! Some motels want your dog crated if you leave them in the room like to go to dinner. We never leave them in the motel. We take them and leave them in the car if the weather is ok for that or we just go through the drive through and go back to the motel. Also if there would be a disaster in your area and you would have to go to a shelter, having your dog crate trained would be very important!!

Crates are not cruel to dogs. Dogs usually like their crate. Rosie sleeps in hers many times during the day by her choice. We just leave the doors open on the crates and she goes in on her own. In fact, she is in there right now, flat on her back sound asleep. There are lots of good suggestions on how to crate train your dog online. Make it a pleasant experience (meaning TREATS!!) and your pup will be fine in his crate and you will get a much better night's sleep.
So, what did you decide??? Just wondering :D
iv been taking him out longer before we go to bed and its calmed him down alot. i think crating would have been a good idea but i dont have one, and he is doing better at sleeping through the night at the foot of my bed.


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