Do your dogs lay on their backs with all legs spread to sleep?

Bandit looks like someone dropped him on the bed and he splatted. I noticed and my daughter says he hogs the bed. Is this a trait?

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Noodles is the same way as Seanna. Once he falls asleep and it is usually on his back, if you want him moved, you better pick him up. Noodles sleeps every night in between my husband and I on his back. He puts his head on one of our pillows and his little left leg is usually draped over my tummy. I joke that he was born on his back since he seems so comfortable on it. When Noodles is really tired, his back legs will stick straight out and his front legs are off to the side of his tummy (while he is on his back). He also usually has his mouth open a bit and boy can he snore! I personally find it pretty cute. :)
I know this is a dumb question but here goes, when they sleep this way on their backs why is it they don't sneeze? Because if I put them on their back I get sneezed on.
I'm not exactly sure why that is. I sometimes think the sneezing is a way to change the subject or make us feel bad. Anytime my first corgi, Pooh, was bad he would either sneeze or wink one eye like he was trying to get sympathy. Copper now does the sneezing thing too when he gets yelled at or i do something to him he doesn't like. they are weird, weird characters.
sadie sleeps on her back
Yup, my Pem sure does it too. Most of the time he is on his back in some variety of this position, little dinosaur arms bent in.
I dunno why but that reminds me of a happy cartoon jump! like if the sky were behind him and green grass below lol
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! That's how Bandit sleeps! This is our first Corgi and he's really showing me how adorable his breed is! I can't say I wouldn't get another!

I wish I had a picture to add, but the other morning I woke up to find Ragnar flat on his back in the bed between us, head about 2 inches shy of the pillow, little arms hanging down and feet just splatted out. He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and seemed so terribly pleased with himself :). He was just like a third person, albeit a most hairy one.
Check out the awkward sleepers group - some great pics there!
okay I have to see how to find groups but I'll search...

Normal resting at our house!


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