Have any of you gotten your dog vaccinated against rattlesnake venom? We are definitely in rattler country, and my vet tech mentioned it today at Sidney's checkup.
I thought I'd ask here before deciding. It's only $20 per vaccination; they get two the first year (4 weeks apart) and then a booster every year. It does not mean that the dog will suffer no ill effects if he is bitten, but it will buy you valuable time. This would be especially handy if we were 3-4 miles out on the trail when the first 1/2 hour is crucial.
According to the vet tech, the one possible side effect is swelling at the injection site.
I'm hoping someone here might have experience in this area. I wanted to renew his avoidance training that he got two years ago, but our trainer passed away from a heart attack last year. :(
Sidney passed his physical exam with flying colors. And he weighs in at 29.4 pounds at nearly 3 years of age.