Kinda Gross, Don't read at breakfast, But I do need advice....

My darling little girl, Lilliput, has done a few, umm, less than ladylike things in her short life.  She has a doggy door, which has allowed her to bring in, in the recent past, half a rabbit, which she hid under my bed, and more recently, something that ended up as a pile of feathers under my bed.  This pile of feathers was discovered about six days ago. 

Now, I have an elderly bird dog, who has been known in his day to catch a bird, chew it up properly, and swallow it whole.  A proper bird dog.  But I'm not sure he could actually catch a bird anymore.  The last one was last summer.  Lilliput is fast, and her first few kills were done with the help of the old dog.  But now I believe she is on her own.

Lilli has (this is the time that all breakfast-eaters should go on to the next post) in the past had "messy bottom" issues, usually at the park, when she is running fast and the messy part splats all over her legs and back.  Often it has been because of worms that are acquired from (edible) bunnies.  Recently this has happened only at the park after a few normal poops, and after running for a while.  Today I had to "assist" in the last episode.  There was something in there that seemed to be feathers.  So my question is, would a blockage of feathers, for about a week, allow normal poops, but when she exercises, cause very messy poops that seem to be an attempt to move the feathers out of her system?  I do mean Messy.  I mean bags-full of baby wipes.  If this is the case, how long does it take to pass all the bird detritius through the corgi system?  My old bird dog never had these problems.  I guess bird dogs are made for birds, heh?  And if Lilli ate a sheep or a cow it would pass through as nicely as a bird through a bird dog?

Anyway, is this a simply "wait it out" problem?  Or could she have caught something nasty from the alleged bird that came with the feathers?



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As long as she is still going she should be fine. Just keep an eye on her. Ella has eaten her fair share of non digestible thinks and needed "help" with the tail end of it. As long as they are still passing through their system and still eating/acting normal I wouldn't worry about it to much. Feathers, fur, etc. should digest or pass through in a few days at most. Though Ella had a cat toy she got a hold of that took about a week to pass completely. Nothing like neon green and blue messes to clean up. :P As for it being very messy messes, more than likely her body isn't used to processing bird. Think of it like changing her food brand with out slowly phasing the new one in and the old one out. It is going to cause some stomach issues and the end result will be exactly what you have.

Long story short, change of diet upsets the stomach but will pass relatively quickly. Feathers will probably pass completely after the indigestion does. Having solid movements will help pass the feathers better than messy ones will. Just keep an eye on her and if she is eating fine and acting normal then don't stress it. Remember, wild dogs eat birds (feathers and all) all the time and are none the worse for wear. The bones are actually a health part of their diet.
OK, now from the city dweller! Allowing your dog to eat whatever she finds or kills outside is asking for trouble. She can catch all manner of parasites etc some of which can be passed on to you. When my, Izzy, gets that messy butt I wash her under the faucet. Sparty never has that problem which I think is due to him never having been docked. Talk to your vet about this because I bet he/she will have plenty of reasons why you should monitor her activities a little better. Good luck with Lilliput it sounds like her name should be Athena, Goddess of the Hunt!
Yes....The first time you put on plastic gloves and help remove whatever is hanging out their little rumps becasue they can't get it themselves your a true dog owner..........they always look so sad to with those I know this is pathetic but please help me eyes...sigh...
So true!!
Dogs never fail to amaze me. I'm not sure about the feathers. I had a German Shepherd/Husky mix who ate a whole leash--(clasp and all) and passed it with no problem. I'd check with your vet...
Oh I understand this one! When I lived with my brother and his friends for a year I had to help pull a whole TOWEL out of his huskys rump. It amazes me how it went through her whole without hurting her or causing issues. well.. except the helping her part.....
It should be okay for corgis, considering if the output channel is wide enough.

Normal poop should be firm, small and moist. Check and see if there's any blood in the stool, if it's black and tarry or red.

Black tarry stools means bleeding in the upper portion of the intestine.

Fresh bright red blood means bleeding in the lower intestine or rectum area.

Check his temperature, If it's anything above 101, collect his stool and see a vet.
@ Christine!
I worry too...the cheap toys they sell now days are terrible! Latex and other plastics are terrible! Sorry about your dog! I could go on and on...Maybe it would make a good suggestion.
And to think I complain about beetles! I do, now that I think about the feathers in the yard, believe that Sonny has been eating birds. My parents German Shepard ate rose bushes when we were kids, no problem. Dogs seem to be able to pass anything.
In my experience some dogs are more prone to loose stools when they are playing and running, especially in the heat. If it's not happening at other times, I wouldn't be super worried about it.
Poor quality dog food can contain ground up feathers. Bella loves a good(?) rabbit once in awhile and it causes messy and stinky poops. My Iverguard Plus worms them for other worms including tapeworm, I don't use this every month as I don't like all the chemicals but I use it every other month with Bella. I don't encourage eating raw animals but they just have to get that rabbit once in awhile. My dogs all will chew a chicken feather left on the ground but it's not from a dead bird so I don't worry. I would spray off the mess if you could,all things will hopefully pass and worm after rabbits! Good luck!


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