Hey everyone!  My fiance and I have a corgi mix (with ????) named Kira.  She's about 3 years old and we adopted her from a shelter in the area about 2 months ago.  When I or my fiance take her out for a walk or to do her business, Kira decides to just sit down and refuses to move unless both of us are with her outside.  So far, I've tried coaxing her to move with treats by waving it in her face and calling her then, but she doesn't seem very food motivated so she still sits there.  It's starting to get a little annoying since my fiance and I are not always able to walk her together.  Other than this, she is the sweetest and most well behaved dog that either of us have ever had.  Still, I've never come across this issue with any other dog.  Anyone else have?

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Corgis tend to bond very well, and since you both "rescued" her, she may be worried one of you will leave her. Both of mine, especially Tucker, have to be begged if I'm not along. If I go inside a store or something, and leave them outside with my husband, they will not move until I come back out. (They are rather cute sitting there looking and waiting though)
So glad Kira found a home with you...Thanks! Have you tried really yummy treats such as a cheap hot dog? It's good she isn't food motivated and at some point you may have to just gently pull her. !!!Make sure collar can't come off!!!! In basic obedience we learned with Sage that the dog needs to come with you and not you wait for the dog, so I would try keeping on walking have treat ready for when she comes a few feet and try this. Good luck!
Might be an expression of the herding instinct.

This part that you said: "...Kira decides to just sit down and refuses to move unless both of us are with her outside..." makes me wonder if you're encouraging this behavior by allowing it to dictate your own behavior, by getting the 'missing' person to join? All it takes is one time, and Corgi's can be pretty insistant once they've decided what is "right".
Mine does that if we're both home and he knows he's going on a walk. They have a strong sense of how things are supposed to be, and if you usually go out with her together, she expects it to happen the same way each time, I think. Sometimes we've taken him on a walk together and one of us has split off early to go do something. He sits and refuses to move, mournfully watching the person leaving walk away and occasionally whining. Luckily, once the one who has left is out of sight, he will move on. We don't have that problem with potty trips outside though. I just tell him, "Time to go potty" and he trots right along with whichever one of us is taking him, I suppose because he knows this outing is a short one, and we've never both taken him out for it. It's the word "walk" that elicits the idea that he needs us both to begin.

I don't know what's the right thing to do, outside of offering treats or a gentle tug on the leash with the command "let's go". Will she go outside with one of you if you're the only one home? Have you done obedience training with her?
When I'm the only one home or my fiance is the only one home and I'm away, she'll run over to where we park the car and sit down so we've pretty much tried to avoid taking her out as much as possible when we're both not home. My fiance works from home, and I'm a student so at this point, both of us are here pretty frequently. We wanted to do an obedience training with her, but we haven't because she doesn't get along with other dogs very well.
A good class where people know ahead of time about this problem should help. If you're near some classes ...call and see if they can help...we had a rescue who made great progress with each class but they did have a 2nd instructor the 1st 3 times...just for the rescue dog and he did wonderful after the people learned how to "correct" the situation and practiced it! Good luck!
Is she toy motivated?
She's more love/pet motivated. The biggest thing she'll respond to is if I bend over and stretch out my hands. She'll run to me then. But, then she'll sit and won't get up until I walk until the end of the leash and she'll run over to me again.
Both of mine do not want to take a walk if my husband is at home and decides not to come. I tend to be very "no nonsense" about that kind of stuff so I just drag whichever is being stubborn until they decide to walk. Sparty gives in pretty quick but Izzy who thinks the sun rises and sets with my husband has been dragged many times. Eventually she gives up. I think it has something to do with the herding dog sense of order!


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