So as many of you know I have 2 corgis. This weekend I stumbled upon a rescue - 9 years old, handsome devil and considered adopting him. It's just me and the beasts and I figured I had the space and the love to give.

As I discussed it at the lunch table at school today, 3 people I work with who have three dogs all said if they had it to do over again they wouldn't get the third. They talked about how when there were two, they were pets and happy, and when they added the third, they couldn't go anywhere with all three dogs anymore if there were going to be other dogs because theirs behaved like a pack of bullies - something that had never been a problem before.
I haven't decided what to do about Duke - but was definitely interested in some discussion on this topic here.
Update: After much consideration, I have decided not to adopt Duke. As a teacher, this is a really busy time of year for me - if it were summer and I would have more time to work with him, I would do it, but August/September is just not possible, to make Bear, Goldy and him comfortable. I will be working hard to find him a home though - the OTHER good part of being a teacher, I have access to LOTS of kids that might be looking for a good dog :)