we are so excited because tomorrow we are going to adopt a 1year old black and tan dachshund for teddy to have as a play mate and we have been looking to adopt another dog just wasnt ready going through puppy training so this works out awesome! plus hes house trained, which is remarkable for the breed lol  we had one before but he died expectant and my hubby was very upset as he was his dog.

we went to the spca yesterday and when me and him locked eyes i felt something, i know its weird but it was like it was fate and i started to pet him and he was very sweet and was giving me kisses. when it was time to leave i talked to arthur about it and decided to go back today as he was still there. there was a couple looking at him but were mad and didnt want him because they wanted a female (who cares...) so i snatched him up and put him in the "getting to know each other room" he got into my lap and snuggled me and just kept looking into my eyes. i knew right then i had to get him. so sweet and gentle. just feels like fate to have him. the funny thing is 3 volunteers there knew we wanted him very badly but we didnt have the money to pay the adoption fee at that moment since we just got back from DC, so they put him on *secret hold* till we get paid tomorrow! i couldnt believe how nice and willing they were to help. they were just happy that he was getting a new home as he could be put to sleep with in the week or so. so once my hubbys pay goes through we are going to bring the little guy home. 

deep in my heart i would really want another corgi as we talked about getting a cardigan but i am saving his life and other dogs as well and we get a wonderful dog:)

so everyone we cant decide what to name him! lol we want air force names or just military names in general as my hubby is going into honor guard which only a few get selected. so far we are thinking of chief or sarge 

thank u!

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My neice has a Doxi named Schweigert! I think it's cute! I know exactly what you mean by "locked eyes" I had put a rescue back as I promised I'd only take 1-2 and already had 3...he looked at me with those eyes and that's all it took! Teddy is one of my heart dogs! So glad you helped him and congratulations...a cardi can be on your "wish list" for someday!
Thank u:) we r so excited and the fact we r saving his life is heart warming. Everything happens for a reason so we must not be ready for a cardi
Captain, General, Thunder (after the thunderbirds), Yaeger (after the pilot Charles Yaeger), Major, that's all I can think of now.
Thank u! We can't think of any lol I will have to run those by arthur. I didn't even think of yaegar, I really like it:) along with major
While on vacation a couple years ago a tiny dachshund raced up to us dragging his leash with two worried owners racing after him yelling "Moose, Moose". Gave us a good laugh and since my corgis are very dog friendly they did not mind the little guy. So cute! Good luck with your new pup, sounds like it was meant to be.
Thank u! We look forward to pick him up. That is a cute story=) moose is a funny name for a little dog lol
I vote for Moose! What a great name for a Dachshund, lol.
Zoomie. My son went to the Naval Academy and I remember him calling the Air Force cadets that.
That's a cute name=) and I hope your son is doing well
You could put your husband's rank in front of another name, for instance Sargent Schweigert, or Chief Eschenberg or something. My husband was Army and my oldest is Navy, so I am not too familiar with Air Force terms - I think they all differ a little. My mother in law had doxies and the last 3 were Doc, Oscar and Friday. Sargent or Chief Friday? Good Lucky with your new baby!
its not air force but Patton seems like a good name for a dog. I knew a dobie named patton, he was pretty cool.
I was going to suggest Patton.

I also think Ike would be a good name, after Eisenhower.


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