well i have been putting it off as i am a little worried about him and the big snip but it really must be done. this Saturday i am taking him to the spca to get it done as it is cheaper than my vet and they also will give him two days of pain meds. im nervous as hes never been "under" before and i know that some dogs can be allergic to it. i have had one of our dogs done before so i know hes gotta wear the "cone of shame" lol but honestly he cant even bend that far but ill do it anyways. last night i put the cone on and gave him his favorite toy once it was on with some treats. he honestly didnt even notice until he ran into the table lol poor little guy. im just happy we are getting it done before we move. and the poor vet has to do some digging as one isnt descended. we caught that right away as a pup but we were hoping it would have dropped by now, o well though. he will have his last few days to say good bye haha. 

im not worried about him running around and opening the stitches as he has always been really calm(except when theres another dog or when he wants to play tug of war)  and hes to short to jump on the coach.   so that night after his surgery is it ok to give him his 1/2 cup of dinner or should i wait until morning? how long did it take for your guys to bounce back?

i know deep down he will be ok but i always worry of what could happen

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Henry was a cryptorchid as well so he had two incisions. One in the normal spot, and then another on his abdomen which was probably 2.5" or so. He looked miserable when I picked him up and whimpered all day long even with the pain meds (5 days worth). It was awful. :( The vet told me they had a really hard time finding/removing the second testicle so he was on the table for longer than normal, and I think his incision was bigger as well.

We bought him a "comfy cone" at Petco which is soft fabric, but we only kept it on him when we couldn't watch him. He didn't really want to do much for the first couple of days and the pain meds made him pretty sleepy. I don't recall him eating any differently but he's never been much of a big kibble fan.
Good luck Teddy, leave your stitches alone! Lucky tried to take his out, got to wear the cone of shame. I love the comment about Eddison and putting it over the entire food bowl. I think we had to pay for the cone, so i would check out that blue inflatible one at petco if you have to purchase one, it sure looks like it would be better (I have no experience with it)
Thank u:) I hope it all goes well and he does leave it alone. If not I will have to try the blue cone. And I also like the comment, it made me laugh so hard hehe:P
Good luck!!! I think we humans take it worse than the dogs. Ella was ready to run the day after surgery, I of course made her take it easy. I ended up hand-feeding Ella a few small handfuls of her food, as she was on the pain pills and I didn't want to upset her tummy.
Just keep an eye on those stitches and he should be just fine.
Thank u:) I will keep a close watch. I think us humans over react to lol to us it seems big bt to them they don't notice to much lol
Our guy is getting done on the 27th. He will be 5 mo on the 20th..I may put him in the play pen for a day just to be sure he does not get into any trouble.. we will see...
I wish I had a play pen:) that way he could rest and not rip anything
Orion was back to his regular self by the next afternoon but keep in mind that extra bit of digging may have your boy a bit more sore than he would be for a typical neuter, so don't be alarmed if it takes a little longer for him to be back to himself again. I had food out for Orion the night he got back but he wasn't all that interested, just had a few bites but he was eating again the next morning. I didn't have to use the cone for either of my pups but since I assisted in Orion's surgery and work at a vet clinic I had them just glue my dogs up rather than stitches and they usually will mess with stitches more than glue. But you may be able to only have the cone on when he's not being watched so he won't have to keep it on for so long. Hope all goes well and I hope your pup has a quick recovery :)
Thank u:) I am prepared since they will have to do some digging and I will keep a close waych for any signs if somthing is wrong. That's pretty neat that u got to assist in the surgury. That way u know everythiing will be ok with them:) I hope all goes well and look forward to it as I should have done it awile back but I'm a worry bug lol
Just a note to say that this procedure was very s;imple for my 4 males and none of them had to wear a cone...came home after morning surgery, ate that night, had an inside day (very boring) and the stitches were all absorbed so no need to return to the vet.

Hope all goes well with your guy.
Thank u:) everything went well. He just taking a nap and isn't really interested in his dinner but I'm sure he will be back to his old self in no time
Both of my boys have gone though "the snip" with little problems. My beagle mix Bo had no troubles, he didn't seem fazed at all. His surgery was first thing in the morning, and the vet offered to keep him over night for free so they could get him in first thing the next morning, which was very convenient. I came to get him after work around 5:30 and he was just fine, minus his boys. When Harley had his done, we brought him in that morning and picked him up around 5 that evening. He seemed a bit different, a little groggy, but then that evening he tried to lick that area and we had to get him a cone, which made him very miserable. Otherwise, no problems. We didn't change their diets at all, they ate with gusto as they usually do.


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