So I know I just posted a blog post so I didn't want to post up there again...

We've been in and out of the vet constantly with Roxi for the last few months trying to figure out her blasted allergies... pills... shots... creams.. sprays... foods... different washing and bath products lol

At the beginning of the month we then had to go in for their regular shots.. found out Charlie needed his teeth cleaned and decided to take off his fat bubble on his chest.. so had to go back another time after the shots to do that....

Then took Roxi to get her final test done today (yay finally done!) brought home shots and her medication to three spots on the carpet with blood speckled in them and one slightly red...

ok.. maybe a UTI I thought... He seemed fine and wanted to play earlier.

until 30 min. ago Charlie decided to vomit up black goo and again with clear goo with a tinge of orange. Acted slow and tired and is now just... there.

An emergency call later we were told to watch him through the night and take him in tomorrow morning and not to wait. If he gets worse bring him in.

If he gets worse?! What when blood is oozing out of his eyes and ears? geesh..

So sitting way over my bedtime stressing over my charlie bear.. wondering when the vet visits will end. Vet opens at 8am.. Chris is bringing him in.

It's been one of those weeks and it's only Mon lol Charlie just couldn't let Roxi have all the glory today.

Any idea of what it could be? We've been mulling in our heads what he could have eaten to cause 1. sickness 2. stomach upset or 3. *knock on wood it isn't) a blockage.

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Im sorry your going through this :( My instincts tell me to take him to the emergency vet. Blood oozing out of his eyes and ears, and vomiting up black goo, makes me nervous. Sorry I dont mean to make you even more nervous than you are. Not knowing what it could be, makes me nervous.

Hope Charlie is feeling better soon....hugs

Please keep us posted.
So sorry to hear that Avyon :( I hope Charlie and Roxi get well soon. Let us know how it goes!
Thank you everyone.

We had him sleep by our bed all night with towels all around him. He did fine and this morning Chris took him in. They did an x ray and found his stomach was inflamed. The vet said he could have just gotten into something that upset it. So they gave him fluids, some bland wet food to take home and some anti-vomit meds.

Basically we were told after feeding him to watch him and if he vomits again to bring him in again so they could do the fluid x ray (watch if the fluids go all the way through).

I forgot to ask chris what they said about the blood and how an upset stomach could bring that up.
An inflamed stomach explains black vomit - often cause by dead red blood cells in the stomach.
That makes sense. Thanks Sam!
I'll take a look at exactly what he had but we just had some pain meds and antibodies for his lump removal two weeks ago.
Hope all is back to normal's so hard when they're sick!
That is certainly alot to go through in any period of time!! I hope Charlie is feeling better now. And recovers fully real quick!! Hope you'll keep us all posted.
Ooootay. So it's one of those frustrating times where you never figure out what it was... I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. "Just kidding guys! I'm ok now!"

So as I posted before - he got x-rays (inflamed belly) and some anti-vomit shots. Chris took him home - fed him some of the bland food they gave us to give him for two days. Which he gobbled up. Watched him like a hawk.

Acted normal.. no vomiting... no diarrhea.. actually wanted to play all morning.

Got home last night.. no accidents all day. Happy pup greeting. Wanted to play all night. Normal drinking - normal eating.

.... I'm reallly happy he's feeling/acting normal. Still going to watch him to see if it comes back for a few days since stuff like that can happen.. but I'm just stumped now haha.
Hmmm, glad he is better and hope it stays that way! You have had enough vet stuff for quite a while.
It just boggles my mind lol
Glad Charlie is feeling better, hope you wont have to visit the vet anytime soon again!!

Oh and I reread my response from my first response and I misread it, I was thinking that the blood was happening already. It was late when I read that and responded, see thats why Im better off going to bed early. Sorry about that. Glad to hear it wasnt anything really serious. :)


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