When I got Archie he was completely crate trained. He enjoys his crate, and never gives me a bad time about going in there. I've kept him with the same procedure with which he was raised, crate throughtout the night, and whenever I"m not at home. Most of the time I take him to work, but if I know it's gonna be a hectic day, I crate him (at home) and let him out at lunchtime. My question to you guys is I've been tossing around the idea of leaving him loose in the house during the daytime, if I leave for a while, or on the days I leave him home from work. GOOD IDEA..... OR leave it the way it is? I walk him twice a day, and he gets plenty of excercise playing with his older brother, I guess I just was kind of fantasizing coming home and having him greet me, rather than waiting for me to let him out>>   THANKS,  KRISTIN & ARCHIE

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Oh I know not all day - my goodness no. Puppies I know have very small bladders and need to be weaned gradually into this. At most I'll be gone 3 hours at a time, but my brother lives with me, so someone is usually always home, but there will come a time when she'll need to have that training in place. Just seeking advice here. Oh, and that's an L, should be Krystle. Thanks.
Great! Sorry about the L I am not the swiftest!
Dyllan is almost two and sleeps in his crate eveynight with the door locked, he doesnt mind it at all we say "bedtime" and he goes right in. During the day we leave it open and he goes in to take naps. When we leave the house we put a gate across the kitchen so he has three rooms to wonder around he can get to his water and his crate.
I started leaving Carly out of the crate a couple of months ago and shes doing great..i go home at lunch and let her out to potty.. she is almost ten months. She would run from me when she knew i was leaving for work in the mornings so she wouldnt have to get in the crate, it was hilarious. So i thought i am going to make sure everything is picked up that she could possible chew and shut all the bed rm doors,and bath ..she has the kitchen dinning rm and living area complete with a sofa , i know im brave but so far its been awesome!! i never thought i would be doing it this soon, im sure every pup is different. i also walk her alot a few blocks every morning and eve.
She still sleeps in her crate locked at night because im such a light sleeper up and down , im sure she would not get a good nights sleep worrying about mom, hahaha
I can't even trust Rafa with my sofa when I'm sitting on it. He eats my rug and sofa when I'm in the same room. Wonder what he'd do if left alone. Worth a try. Couldn't be worse than what he does when I'm home!
Once Lucy was potty trained and stopped teething on the rug we gave her the run of the house and she's never given us reason to rethink this.
All of my dogs are crate trained. This started out as puppies with my first three for obvious reasons, but I have found that it has been a God send when traveling. At home all the dogs sleep with us. Well they used to all sleep with me and my husband but now Levi sleeps with my daughter, Taz sleeps with one son and KC sleeps with the other. Except on weekends when dad has told the people kids they can all slumber party it in the living room so then all the dogs think it is WONDERFUL to get to sleep with mom and dad again. Mine do go in their crates when I am going to be gone for long periods of time just because they can all get out of our yard. And I do have a sun room at my new house where their crates are that I could have them loose in but I am slightly worried about fights over a long period of time in that confined of a space. KC still occasionally has to prove she is still Queen B. None of mine complain when they are put in their crates, they are all fed in their respective crates and they do all sometimes choose to just go in there for some "alone" time when they need it. They don't seem to be too concerned about being told to crate when they do get into trouble for something. And on more than one occasion I have found one of them putting themselves into time out for doing something they knew they weren't supposed too. I gotta say it is pretty funny to see your dog look up from the mess they just made out of the garbage and go get in their crate and lay down and all you did was walk into the room. It is kind of like the kids with go to your room for a time out. I have never had problems with them going in their crates for any reason. Molly had some adjusting this past month because to the best of my knowledge she was always crated for the whole night and (although she is crated in my room at night right now because she is in heat and "leaking") here she is allowed to sleep on the bed with me. She thinks this is a very cool change. And she is very good about going into her crate anytime she is asked or told to and even sometimes she just puts herself in there. KC has been left out in the house a few times. We have came home to some interesting sites occasionally but not all the time. I haven't had Molly long enough to try this with her but I would say I would be willing to leave either or both of the girls in the house for a few hours while I was gone but I probably wouldn't leave the boys unattended.
I like the idea of no crate. I gave mine away when Milly was about 10 months old (she is three now). I like that she can roam the house, lie on the couch to watch the world or go to sleep or play whenever. She is amazing and aside from one incident that she destroyed a set of cork coasters into billions of pieces she has never done anything bad when alone. For that incident we were responsible because she was bored. I try to get her at least a little exercise before we go out, at least a frap in the backyard. She is always ready to play ball when I come home though, lol. I guess you just have to know your dog and build that trust. If you are worried about him start in smaller time increments of freedom and build up from there.
yes! know your dog and start small... i still hold my breath when i come in the door hoping everything is ok.hahaha
when ive had other dogs through the yrs and they lived outside 90% of the time i didnt have a clue about the joys of animals unattended..
Crates are cruel as far as I am concerned, find a way to confine him to a room in the house. Our three Corgis have never been crated at all.
Many of my corgis chose to sleep in their crates even after we took the doors off. Different strokes for different folks.


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