So I've had my Corgi Lilly since she was a pup (she'll be 5 in November) and our living arrangements have changed a lot over the years. I crated her until she was potty trained, and then she seemed more or less alright behavior-wise with the run of the house. However, she has taken to ripping up the carpet by the front door when I leave the house. This is unacceptable, as I live in a rental. I tried walking/playing with her, and not acknowledging her when I leave, as well as leaving music playing when I go. She's fine most of the time but every now and then she'll have a fit, for seemingly no reason at all. I've considered crating her, but I work full-time and go to school full-time, so I'm not comfortable leaving her pinned in for 8 hours at a time. Suggestions?

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Could you get a baby gate and keep her in a hallway,kitchen bathroom with the door open and crate in the room????
I've tried putting her in the kitchen with a gate, but she either chews the edge of the rug, or climbs over the gate. Literally, I bought the tallest gate they had (like, 3 1/2, 4 ft high) and she scaled it.
Yes, I had a pup that did this at her new home. Have you tried frozen peanut butter in a kong and some toys that release food slowely? Does she get plenty of exercise so that she is tired by the time you leave? Just some thoughts...I pesonally haven't had a "chewer".
The peanut butter in the kong might be something to try. I've also considered something like this:

I guess I'll just have to figure a way to confine her to a room with tile and give her something to keep her busy.
You could leave the radio/tv on and a tshirt or old clothing item for her to lay on so she can smell you. Those items look great but I do know most dogs will work hard on a kong...
Lots of good ideas, thanks very much! :)
For such a long time away you really need to get a long walk in before you leave. 45 min to an hour unless you can do a really fast paced 30 minutes. In addition crate her for a while with a kong with cheese or peanut butter smeared around inside. It will help relax her after you leave so she will sleep most of the time. Gotta get that energy out before you leave even though it is difficult. Doggy day care a couple days a week is another alternative if you can afford it. It will get easier when she gets older.


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