Harlequin came home on Sunday and on Monday she was a good girl, only 1 accident through the whole day... not too bad on her chewing. Yesterday morning she was being bratty but after a good afternoon it seemed to be better, so I took her voting with me! But today... she is a MONSTER!!!!!!! She has now pooped on the floor 3 times today.. and all 3 times after I had taken her out and we walk around for at least 20minutes. She has piddled tiny little piddles on the floor countless times after she has been taken out. Which I have been taking her out every-single-hour! Stilll... tiny piddle puddles on the floor. They usually seem to happen after we get done playing or in mid-play session.
Anything and everything that is not nailed down she is after today... climbing under my futon in my bedroom and chewing on things she should not be! I tell her no and she stops but then goes right back to it, I say no. It takes bout 3-4 no's before she gives up and goes for another thing. I give her all kinds of toys to nibble on... Thankfully a Kong keeps her attention for a good 10-15mins before she goes to another toy and then back to her kong.. it's kind of like a toy ping-pong.
I'm trying to hold myself together and stay strong but after her last pooping on the floor and then turning to try to eat it... I need guidence!

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Caitlin take a deep breath or two. Now good corgi momma for asking questions! I am no expert but I will try to help. There are ones on here a lot better at this then me but here goes. First she is not a monster, just a scared, confused baby. She has had a lot of changes in the last few days. No more Momma dog, smells are different, sounds also a lot to get used to. I have found the best thing to do is get her on a feeding schedule, it helps keep things regular. Yes they will need to piddle when waking up, after drinking or eating, during play and especially after a play session. We use bribery, Bomber who is about three months three weeks old gets a goody if he goes outside. The younger they are the less control they have, some pull water at bedtime to help them make through the night. I drink like a bazzilion gallons of water a day so just could not bring myself to do this, but kept the pee pads down for him until last week. At first we take a pup out every hour or two and it is not for play but for doing business. If no business is done we come in and go back out in 10 minutes until we reach peedom or poodom give treat and praise.
As far as the chewing you are going at it right we tell him no and give him something he likes to chew on instead. Don't expect her to know to find something else to chew show her by giving it to her and telling her what a good girl she is when she chews it.
How old is your baby? There is a header FAQ and it has some super good advice on all sorts of things. Please feel free to contact me if you just need to blow off steam or anything. You hang in there you are going to make it through puppy hood!
she is 8 weeks and 3 days old. I'm very patient with her and tell her she is a good girl when she goes piddle and poops... today was just a very trying day.
I've tried to get her on a good feeding schedule.. 7:30am, 1ap, 7:30pm. But she has been only eating a couple pieces of kibble at a time. She won't sit and eat contently... maybe it's because I sit on the floor and I'm a distraction.
She usually will pee within 10mins of being outside but then we walk around... she plays with leaves... and I try to see if she will poop. She doesn't, so I bring her inside... then today, 20mins later.. she is goin on the floor. sigh.. :( I feel like a bad mom!
Bomber has three rooms, kitchen, den and utility room (also known as dogs bedroom) he roams in. We put up a baby gate to block off the rest of the house, he is only allowed there with us. Boy when we first brought him home I swear he could drop forty gallons before you even knew he was going! He doesn't squat or anything just stops and lets go. Took us awhile to realize when he started going in circles he needed to go out, if he laid his ears back it was too late he was done LOL. It will take you time to learn her signs that she needs to go out. See you are learning the same as she is. Her little signs at first may be hard to recognize after all she is as new to you as you are to her. Keep your head up and an eye on the puppy ha ha
Hi Caitlin,
Although I'm not new to the world of pupdom, I haven't had a puppy in a while. Luna just came home this past weekend, too - she turned 8 weeks on Saturday. I'm finding myself getting up and catching her before she goes because I notice the signs of sniffing around. Do you notice if Harlequin is searching/sniffing before she piddles or poos? We've had a couple accidents, but hey they happen - she's a baby.

Luna likes to go after toes and the rugs - a simple firm "No!" and a replacement, suitable chewy gets her in the right frame, but will occasionally go back for those irresistible/forbidden items.

I've noticed when taking her out, she likes to be in the shade - it's been really hot the last few days, so if we're in direct sunlight she wants to go back inside, but if I put her in a shady spot she'll do her business straight away. It's a process of trial and error, plus immense patience. Good luck with your girl... you'll make it.
sigh... she just woke up from a nap.. I go to put on my slippers, turn around, and she is peeing on the floor. No sign, just the open of the eyes.. got up and went as my back was turned.
The only real cue she will give me is when she is in her crate... and that is she will whimper. But when she is just walkin around, playing, and chewing... there is no cue. It just happens! and what's worse is that I keep an eye on her like a HAWK.. one turn of the head and there is a wet spot on the floor.
I feel so fail! ./facepalm
keep a log of her daily pees and poops that way you can look and see if there is a pattern, if everyday she poops 1/2 hour after food, you know to take her out around that time after every meal. I can't tell you how beneficial it has been to teach Franklin the command "go potty" and "go poop". He goes on command now and will even pretend to poop if he doesn't have to go! :-) Make sure to always use the same command and not switch it up. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Frank was almost 5 months before 100% potty trained. As for the chewing, like everyone else said, a firm No and replace with a better toy or treat. Another command that has saved Frank on many occasions is a solid "drop it". He will drop a big piece of steak if I ask him. To get him to do this I simply said drop it and replaced the object with a really yummy treat or super fun toy. You will eventually slowly wean off the treat/toy over time. Puppy classes are an excellent resource. Many times they address potty training issues as well as socialization and chewing problems. A squirt bottle may work well to, if you say NO and get no response then a NO followed immediately by a squirt will usually do the trick. Eventually she will learn if she doesn't stop on the first command a scary stream of water will come eat her! Good Luck!
Yeah, i'm using "go piddle" and "go poop" A log is a good idea too.. I could set up a dry erase board on the wall or something and write when she goes. She just gives me no cues :(

Maybe after a good nights sleep tonight her and I will wake up refreshed tomorrow and ready to re-tackle these issues.
This weekend I am going to get her some raw hides and such to help with the chewing. She doesn't seem so interested in her nylabone that much for chewing and her kong usually goes in her crate with her.
Hi Caitlin, here you go :)
ty Sam, reading those helped a lot. I'm going to take a few of those examples and see if those work
Use the info from the FAQ but also think in terms of a human infant that cries and uses a diaper for years! Your puppy is a baby and is only starting to be aware of your expectations which really do not make sense to her yet. Puppy stages are pretty frustrating but it helps if your mind set is positive. My theory is that when you decide that you are the worst trainer ever she will be trained! LOl!
Baby gates, a crate, and maybe an exercise pen will be your salvation.

And remember, when she is bold just take a deep breath and say "She's a baby, she's a baby, she's a baby."

We've all been there. :-)
Caitlin, I think you need to use a crate. I've got an 11 week old, so I've been through everything you have. If Fionn doesn't poop and pee when we go outside, he immediately goes into his crate and I take him out again in about 15 to 30 minutes. If he goes then, he gets at most 30 minutes of playtime. He poops about 4 times a day so the next time I take him out I only expect him to pee, but if he doesn't....in the crate.

Then, when you get her out of the crate, don't let her feet touch the ground until she pees. At this point in her age, she'll hold it in the crate if it's not too long, but the minute they leave the crate and their feet touch the ground, they'll go. They won't usually pee if you're holding them. So, out we go and again, follow the same rule....pee and you get to play for a little. But, they will pee little spots if they're playing hard, which is why I take Fffionn out after about 30 minutes of playing.

You're going to have accidents regardless. I think unless you basically don't let your puppy out of the crate for anything, you're going to have an accident from time to time. But, if you make sure she's peeing every 2 hours or so, and literally every 30 minutes when she's playing hard, you'll have far less.

As far as them chewing on things they shouldn't....they're puppies. I try to keep Fionn in a limited area, and anytime he picks up something he shouldn't, I substitute it with a toy. We have lots of different types so he doesn't get bored. Tug of war toys, squeaky toys, balls, and some things for good chewing. They have very, very, very short attention spans, so everything you're describing sounds very normal. Her toy ping pong will slow down as he gets a little older and gets used to her new environment.

With every puppy I've ever had, I have days where I cannot wait for them to be a grown up dog. But, enjoy the fun stuff, the frustrating stuff will pass.


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