I know all Corgis have a myriad of verbal, aduitory  and visual cues that trigger all kinds of amusing reactions. One of  best triggers  Gunny has is when I sit at the kitchen table paying bills . He sits by my feet watching intently.He listens carefully for when I tear a check from the check book. He will then run to the back door in anticipation of me  exiting to go to my car for a trip to the bank or to the postoffice. He seems to know that he will be taking a trip in the car to a place where he often gets a snack bone( to two or three) ! They even give me bones to bring home to him when I go to the bank without him.

When he hears aluminum foil or plastic wrap being torn he runs to his food dish. Why you ask?Because I have, in the past, picked up his food dish if he has left the food uneaten for very long ( wet food gets yucky if left out) and I covered it with one of those wraps before putting it in the frig. If I tear the wrap material and his food dish happens to be empty he will whine and run around the kitchen. Bonkers!

What are some of your Corgi's amusing triggers?

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Keys, whenever I pick the keys, Yoda would get all excited and stand by the door ready to go out!!! I think this is standard trigger for apartment dogs!
Last New Year's my husband bought a fedora and wore it while we were out of town visiting family. When we got home he left it in the kitchen, so I put it on top of the dogs' cookie jar. I swear they've developed some kind of fedora radar, because if you so much as touch the hat they'll come running from across the house out of a dead sleep to line up at your feet for a cookie. Well, ok - Ein and Edward line up at your feet. Our Penny (tiny poodle mutt) hops up on her back paws and twirls around until she gets dizzy.

Also - if anyone says "Bless you" Edward sneezes, but we trained him to do that as his stupid pet trick. Very amusing when we have guests over who don't know about it.
Aw ! Any dog that can sneeze on command has my heart. The dog I grew up with( and I do mean grew up with as he lived to almost 18 years) would sneeze on command. That never failed to totally amaze people.He was a real character. If you had a treat to give him and asked him to perform a trick first, he would go through his entire repertoire quickly....Sit, give both paws, lie down, roll over then play dead!, then look at you square in the eye with a face that said, "Ok give we that treat already!"
Emlyn perks up instantly if you say "Go see?". If you add Goob (outside dog at the place I live she goes bonkers. Unfortunately she can no longer go visit Goob as Em tried to eat her. Not a good plan on the 100 lb plus Rotty/St Bernard mix. Three weeks in the cone of shame for her eye to heal and a couple of hundred bucks later..... no more visits with Goob.

Em will burrow under the blankets then pitch a royal fit if you dare to move a muscle that disturbs her.

She also has the no cuddling rule.
The doggiepoopbags, I always fold them carefully before putting them in my pocket, so they don't get to ruffled. When he sees or hears me folding (even when he's asleep or outside..) he runs up to me and sprints to the gate, the direction we go when we go on a walk. He really enjoys his walks.

Same thing if we say, is the boy comming with us (in dutch of course), he sprints to the car and halts (slides, smooth tiles) at the cardoor, the door where he always gets in. And won't budge until you've opened the door and let him in. Even when we don't go away with the car, he won't leave his ground. He also likes his rides very much.
Aren't these Corgis remarkable !My husband always says the same thing ( "Is the boy coming?") We have two daughters and I think my husband knows that Gunny is as close to having a son as he is ever going to get! Ha ha!
Gunny is a wondeful traveler. We take 4 hour trips to visit family often and he just loves that journey.
I forgot another thing that our first corgi did. She loved to wear scarves and when I'd say," Wanna wear a scarf?" she would run over to me and sit up with her front paws on my lap so that I could tie it around her neck. Later on, if I was folding napkins, dishtowels, or anything that resembled a scarf, she'd come over and sit up, waiting to "get dressed." I'd have to tie something around her neck or she wouldn't go away!
He/shes Here Bye/Good Bye...dont say those phrases when people are coming or leaving.... kids leaving for school in the morning
Getting the leash out of the closet or doggie bags without even saying where your going, he just knows
Putting on shoes to go somewhere...must be a walk, right!?

The tv going off for the night, he knows its bed time, so off to bed he goes in his room. He wont go upstairs until both hubby and I are up there.

Water Boiling, doesnt like it, gets him all worked up..

Dinner TIme...he just knows its 4:00 ....and he doesnt let you forget
The herder in this breed must be part of the reason for wanting the whole"flock" together at bed time. Gunny doees this too. But I usually go up before my husband so Gunny will come up with me, wait for a little while then go back down to my husband and sit in the door way and try using the power of his mind to get David to come up to bed. If David ignores him he will give a big loud sigh and whine and give him a disgusted look . Gunny usually gets his way.
My Jesse does this too. One night I went to bed really early and tried everything to get her to go in there with me and she wouldn't do it until daddy was ready for bed too!
Opening the fridge, putting on my shoes, the microwave, and strangely, the word "Ready".

It amuses my boyfriend to no end to sit on the couch with him and say, "Do you want a treat?" (No reaction.)
"Do you want food?"
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
"Do you want to go to the park?"
"You want bacon?"
(Still nothing. Donny is staring at him.)

"Are you... ready?"
And the corgi goes nuts!! But what is he ready for?
all of the above :) hehe


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