Harley has been throwing up since 6:30 this morning.
It is like a thick white mucus foam. She threw up maybe 4 times in the crate and just now in the car.
Yeah, I'm using my IPhone and on route 95! Is there anything I can do for her? I offered her food and water earlier after her first few throw ups. she is acting like her normal behavior wise. Got her Corg-attude going on!
I can't think of anything that may have triggered this... she had a grumbling belly last night, along with stinky burps and farts. My poor baby :( My 3yr old cousin did slip her some carrots from last nights pot roast that my aunt made. And she had been sneaking cat food behind my back as I was making her meals... I don't know :(
The last throw up did contain a tiny pieces of carrot... could that be it?
help me :( I'm worried about her.. and she has 6hours of this car ride to go!
ps. no worries I'm not posting and driving ;)