I've always heard that 2 female Corgis won't get along. I have a wonderful girl who's 1 and 1/2 and want a friend for her to play with. A female puppy is available from my breeder. She's also a single pup; no others in her litter survived. I'm concerned on both fronts. Any advice?

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I would not worry about 2 females getting along especially if you spay them. A single pup could have more problems unless she has been able to bond with other pups her age and learn from another litter. I believe there was another discussion on single pups on here recently but don't know where. Good luck...can't wait to hear what you decide!
Hi Nicki and Lily Rose, hope this FAQ helps.

We had two female dogs (not Corgis) when I was a kid and they could not be in the same room together because they would fight.   There ARE multi-female dog households, but here on MyCorgi when someone needs to rehome because two dogs hate each other and are fighting badly, it's almost always two females. 

Lots of breeders (most of them) have multiple females, but it seems that homes with more than one female and a male or two as well manage better than just two girls in many cases.  Not sure why that is, and it's just an observation, nothing scientific. Also, breeders will usually tell you stories of having to place a girl because two were fighting. 


I don't know, personally I would not try it.  My boy is fine with all dogs, but my girl frequently does not seem to like other females, even ones she sees regularly.

Two females can get along but you would have to be extremely careful choosing two dogs with complementary personalities. I would also be concerned about the singleton puppy, as they can have their own behavioral issues due to not having any litter mates. Personally, I would wait..

Here is a good past discussion for you on females vs males etc: http://www.mycorgi.com/forum/topics/advice-on-corgi-2


And here are a couple of others about singleton pups.  Keep in mind that Frosty was singleton from birth.  It might make a difference for your pup depending on how long the others in her litter survived.  Hope this helps!




I have two girls and they get along great most of the time.  They run and play all day and cuddle up together on the floor. They take turns cleaning each others faces and ears.  However, Daisy, my oldest girl (only by 6 months) is definitely the boss and can be possessive.  She does not like to share attention with my youngest girl Poppy.  Daisy will not allow Poppy on the bed or couch if she has laid claim to the area first. But... if Poppy is on the couch or bed first then Daisy has no problem.  They have some occasional fights... typically over food.  Mostly growling and snipping at each other but nothing serious.

My two females, Seanna and Sage, are best friends.  They do everything together.  BUT....Seanna is a dominant personality and Sage is a very submissive personality.  I think if you get the right temperment between the two it works great.  I've personally never had a problem with all the dogs I've had, so it's possible!
Thanks so much for the input, Jennifer!
Thank you, Jane(s), Sam, Beth,Chris, Heidi, Kelly, and Jennifer! It really helps to have some objective opinions and advice. Seems pretty clear to me that we should wait for a little guy.
I have several intact females all living in the house with 2 intact males and I don't have issues except with the one male when females are in heat. My dogs know what I expect of them. I know plenty of people who have 2 of the same sex and they are fine but it is a personality pairing and diligent management and training on your part as well. Its like have 2 kids...you set the rules and step in when needed to set it straight. A singleton pup can be a spoiled pup. Your probably better off to wait for another litter.
Thank you for the info, Wendt Worth Corgis. I'm going to wait for a male, which is what I'd planned to do originally. The feedback I've gotten from the folks on this site has really helped me to realize that the combination of the puppy's being female AND a singleton is just potentially too difficult. Besides, we already have a dominant female in the family, and it isn't me!   :-)
With both males and females some get along with the same sex and some don't.  If you want to make sure you have no problems, opposite sex is the best bet as their fighting is extremely rare. That said, some bloodlines are more dog aggressive than others, so a good breeder should be able to advise you about their particular bloodlines.


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