So I always thought my sweet Penelope was a Pembroke until I went to bring her to get her shots and the vet said that she was a Cardigan because she had a tail. The woman that I got her from told me that she chose not to dock Penelope and her siblings' tails. She said something about it becoming more popular nowadays. Now I'm totally confused? 


I know some Pembrokes are born without tails and most who do have tails get them docked. What do you guys think Penelope is? To me, it doesn't matter because she's still my adorable little corgi, but I just wanted to hear some insight.


You can see more pics of her on our website at


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I was so thrilled to find a vet who liked and was genuinely interested in Corgis.
Hi Melissa, Penelope is a Pem, most Pems are born with full on tails, only a very small number are born with a short tail (a few inches). Most breeders in the US choose to dock them (cut or band method), it is still legal in the states but illegal in most other countries.

Hi Melissa,

You have a beautiful pembroke with a tail! I don't dock either and you can check out my pics and see more tails. My adults have no tails as it is hard to find a breeder that doesn't dock but as Sam said it is banned in most countries. I also have disscussions on my page as to dock or not dock if you want to read them:) I think their tails are wonderful!  There is a group for undocked Pems you might want to join also:)

My Ruby is a Pembroke with a very beautiful tail
What a cute Pem you have!
Your Twinkie is quite adorable too! Is she a fluffy??

Thanks for the replies guys! Penelope's breeder was breeding for pet usage (at least for this litter) and that may have been why she left the tails on. I was quite sure she was a Pembroke too and I even mentioned to the vet that some Pembrokes are born with tails and the vet just kept quiet after that. Anyhoo, thanks for all the input guys! Now I don't have to change her website to Penelope the Cardigan. I think Penelope the Pembroke rolls off the tongue a lot smoother don't you think?

She looks very pembroke to me!  The facial features and ears are pembroke.  Maybe your vet just doesn't see a lot of corgis to know the difference...

Definitely a pem with a tail, IMO.

A lot of people seem to think that pems are all naturally bob-tailed, or that the only difference between the two breeds is the tail. Sigh!

We were told the same thing about Teagan our younger tri. Even the vet thought she was a cardi. Wasn't until we went to the Corgi Picnic were we set straight. That Teagan was a Pem with a tail. Looks to be the same exact thing with your puppy.
she appears to be all Pembroke to me...cute as she can be!!!  if i had a tail that pretty id keep it too!!!
Wow what a tail!!!


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