Two days ago (Tuesday 3/22/11), when I came home from work my son told me that Odie MAY have just swallowed one of those plastic twist-ties that they use for bread bags.  He said Odie was running around with it in his mouth, and when my son chased him to get it away from him (Odie thinks this is a really great game too), all of a sudden Odie wasn't running away anymore and the twist tie was nowhere to be found.  We looked everywhere for it, but never found it.

I didn't induce vomiting because I thought that if he really DID swallow something, it may cause more damage coming back up... he hasn't been lethargic, he has still been eating, playing, and acting like the normal, crazy-psycho puppy that he is!

I've been checking his poop, but I know I have missed a few of them.  He has been pooping normally too.  I have been putting mineral oil in his food the past few days, but still haven't seen any sign of the twist tie. 

Now my question is, did he really eat it???  And, if he did, is it out of his system now?  Or... is it possible it's still in there somewhere?  I'm not sure what to do... any advice?


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If he ate it, it has probably passed already. Just keep an eye on him and take him to the vet if he seems disinterested in food or lethargic.
If it was my dog, I would take him to the Vet for an X-Ray.  Better safe than sorry.
Like Bev Levy said it probably passed already but keep an eye on him. Teagan the younger tri loves to eat my wife's ear plugs. Every once in awhile there it will be in her poop!
after two days yes it would have passed already. teddy has eaten rappers and a plastic mouse toy that was for the cats and i honestly didnt know about it until i seen it in his poop lol
The twist tie probably passed thru already.  I persume it is the type with metal wire in it.  If you need to know for sure, you can always talk to a vet and get a x-ray to see if it is still there.
Thank you all for your responses!  I have a really awesome vet, and Odie's due to get a rabies shot anyway... so I will just ask him what he thinks, but I'm almost positive he's already passed it or never ate it to begin with!!!


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