* you carry a furminator in the car...


* you have any item of clothing that has on it the words "bunny butt"...


* pet hair is considered a condiment at your house...


* you put your friends in the following categories: red and white, sable, tricolored....




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I'm gonna use this idea! I have been using the "bidet" (spray nozzle) when someone has messy pants...

When you are sitting in your car (or wherever) and get a nose pried under your hand if you are not paying attention to them
When you wake up to the sight of 2 pointy ears pointed your way

When, every time you go shopping, you HAVE to get something for the corgi or you'll feel like a bad parent

When you put her winter sweater on to go play in the snow and you have to roll up the sleeves because they are too long ^~^
Your kids are herded to the table at meal times.
Oh you're so lucky!!!   I would love another puppy.   But my baby is so spoiled I doubt she'd put up with someone else getting any attention.  :)   Congratulations!   I know just how you're feeling.  I was a nervous wreck and so excited the day I finally got my daughter, er, dog.   
Congrats! Your life is about to take on a whole new meaning. Post lots of photos for us all to Oooooo and Awwwwwwwwwwwww over!!!!!!

i love  my little guy i would be lost without him


...you'll sit and watch John Wolff's video a couple times of Gwynnie/Al chewing a bone and enjoy it each time.

http://www.mycorgi.com/video/screensaver-1 LOL..._^..^_

*you pass by a dog store and think the store should be closed down when there are no corgi knickknacks

You spell the word corgi in two different word with friends games and are very excited over it!!!

If you save all the fur you brush out of your pet( for years and years) because you plan to someday find a spinning wheel and make it into yarn and knit a scarf !

You love dogs who have "salt shakers" for legs


You speak fluent corgi language




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