I will be getting my very own pembroke welsh corgi soon and I was just looking for some advice on what to buy to prepare... I want to have everything for her before she comes. I would like to know what type of food you feed your corgi, what type of brush you use, the shampoo you use, a harness or a collar? Should I get a crate or a playpen? And any other advice or opinions you have for me! Thank you :)

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Hello, if you have everything ready when your puppy arrives, it will be easier.  I would ask your breeder what they recommend for food, but a high protein puppy blend for the first 6-8 months is normal.  I would use a regular buckle collar and your corgi will get used to it pretty quickly.  Definitely get a kennel .... it will help with potty training and keep your little one safe when you are not home and can not watch him/her. Also, get lots of chew toys, such as nyla bones....ask the pet store for help.  I started obedience the week after we got our corgi, and it was the BEST thing I could have done.  The early socialization is so important for your dog and the obedience is a must for both of you.   My corgi is almost 2 and we still go to obedience twice a week, and he really loves it!  Corgis are so smart, that obedience is a good chance for them to use their minds, and helps tire them out. You can also ask your trainers and other people in your class questions that come up as you go.  Also, use the internet .... whenever you have a question, look it up!  Read through the advice and pick the answers/advice that best suits you.  Good luck!  I've had many dogs, but this was my first Corgi, so I read a lot about the breed and learned a lot I didn't know.

Not product advice, but play with the pup's feet a lot so she is used to having them handled. It will make life much easier when it's time to clip her toenails. Same with brushing her teeth; start right away.
I use a Furminator on Sophie when I comb her out. She loves to chew on Nylabones. Our vet doesn't like to give antlers or bones as they can cause broken teeth due to their hardness.

Ruby loves her crate -- which actually was my son's golden retriever's crate, so it's pretty big for such a little gal. It came with a removable partition, which my son inserted so as to make a more intimate "cave" for Ruby when she was tiny. As she got bigger, I took the partition out. She now goes in there to rest without having to be placed in it.

And I love the Xpen!!! When she was little, I could put it outside near where I like to sit and work on the porch. She could be outdoors and see the birds and everything that was going on, but I could be sure she didn't wander over to the pool or get into some other sort of trouble while I was focused on something else. Now the pen is in the family room with a little rug for her to lounge on and an extra bowl of water. It's become her "dining room" -- she and Cassie get fed separately, because as soon as Ruby is done bolting down her puppy food she races over and chases Cassie away from her dog food and tries to grab that. It's a great place to keep her out of my hair when I'm busy but let her still be in the middle of everything.

Hello, we recently brought home a corgi puppy and have visited this forum for recommendations and questions. Here are some of the things we have for our corgi.

Food - People replied here with the food they feed their puppy. http://mycorgi.com/forum/topics/what-do-you-feed-your-corgi
Stick with food the breeder provides and gradually switch your puppy over if you need to. Be sure to research the food you switch the pup to. You want to give your puppy a high quality food that is not from China, had no recent recalls and does not contain corn or meat by-products amongst other junk ingredients. The higher a food ingredient is listed on the list, the more that ingredient the food is made of.

Grooming supplies- An all natural shampoo suitable for baby or human use. We use Earthbath brand. As for other grooming supplies, you can do a quick search online and find some that way. I like Amazon (not that I work for them) but find that the plethora of user reviews on there has really helped me narrow down my choices. You won't need to clip the pup's nails any time soon. Probably at 13+ weeks of age. Get your vet to show you how they would clip them before you try on your own. You don't want to clip the quick.

Harness or collar - There is a thread on here regarding which of the two. A quick search on the top right hand side will pull the topic up. We use collar. I would imagine you would have a collar on the puppy regardless if you walk him using a harness or collar-leash. It's a convenient accessory to attach tags to. I would put the collar on the puppy and let him get used to it. This may take several days but when he doesn't notice it as much anymore you can  attach a leash (should you choose this) and let him drag it or take him out to the yard to let him explore while on the leash. Make the experience fun for him and take turns between directing him by gently pulling the leash so he can follow you and letting him explore. Bring some treats to lure him if needed. Praise and reward when he follows.

Congrats and goodluck!

I would definitely get a furminator. Whenever you read about corgis it always says they're big shedders.. but it is no joke. I've never had a dog that shed as much as Maromi, and I've had a fluffy keeshond.

there's a collar FAQ.

read the "Food Bags KILL!" link on the main page (that's my post).  Several families here have lost a dog to food-bag suffocation.  We almost did; Siri may have been saved by the holes she'd chewed in the bag first.  You have to babyproof the house and change your lifetime habits:  cut bottoms off bags, put them ONLY in inaccesible garbage.

If you use xylitol products, control that stuff or remove it from the house -- harmless to humans, lethal to dogs  -- my dentist recommended xylitol lozenges for the antimicrobial properties, so I use/keep it ONLY at work.

One of the most important things:  a spiral notebook or equivalent for keeping yur training log.  I'd write down every word/command you want in the dog's vocabulary, write its definition precisely, criteria for success, etc., and make sure everybody in the family reads this and is on the same page.  A dog is like a computer:  it will do EXACTLY what you tell it to, so make sure you know what you're saying.   Keep a log of training and progress -- the act of doing this really helps you train YOURSELF.

A fanny pack dedicated for dogwalking.  Small airtight screw-cap bottles (pill bottles?) for tiny treats.

Google "Really Reliable Recall" and you'll get some good hits.

Hi, what a wonderful choice of breed! Corgis are very energetic dogs, so make sure he/she has plenty of play time and make the, as social with other dogs as possible. If I you have small children they are known for nibbing at the heels because of the herding instinct. I feed my Corgi Victor dog food, it makes his coat look amazing, and his stool is very nice, don't feed them Diamond it gives dogs diarrhea. The shampoo I use when my dog is shedding is FURminator deshedding shampoo and conditioner. Regular dawn would work or so, some shampoo. Use a collar and leash not a harness, that gives them way to much control. A crate, for the first time. If you need anything else let me know! Good luck ,they are wonderful dogs!

I have to reaffirm the need to frequent varied socialization. You want your puppy (and later adult dog) to be friendly with every person, regardless of dress, sex, race or age. Socialization also includes odd surfaces, elevators and the like as well. A good trainer may help you. I'd sign up for puppy kindergarten and our trainer provided a list of experiences we should aim for within the first 6 months.

Regarding your questions:

We feed Blue Buffalo (but there are many quality food out there). A furminator is useful but a small slicker brush or comb are also useful. We keep ours near the sofa and pet our pup in a relaxed setting. Whatever shampoo you buy, dilute it like 5x to 10x before using it and you will save yourself a lot of hassle. Keep a dishwashing liquid (like dawn) if you don't already. It's useful component of a de-skunk mix and if your puppy has a reaction of a topical flea treatment. Either a crate or playpen will work depending on your family, but the puppy will be housetrained faster if they have a spot that doesn't allow them to get away from their mess. A crate is more useful if you plan on traveling by car.

My only other suggestions are that you set consistent rule and structure for your pup. You'll need to enforce the rules less and less as you pup ages. Good luck!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! You must be counting down the days!  I remember checking the calendar every day and looking forward to every picture our breeder sent us!



This is the list I used for reference


-We feed Max Merrick, but switching over to Orijen right now, bc he gets pretty gasy.  But make sure you know what your breeder is feeding the pup and give her a nice, slow transition by mixing  the old food with the new for a few days first.

-We have a greyhound comb and a slicker brush and they get all the undercoat hair out.  Not sure if it's true, but I was told that furminator brushes damage corgi hair and I personally didn't want to take any chances.

-Shampoo: Organic Oscar puppy shampoo (dilute with water and don't bathe too frequently, only as needed)

-We have a harness for the car bc you don't want the pup being jerked by their neck on bumps and stops and god forbid there's ever an accident. But we only walk Max on a collar, but I guess it's a personal preference and depend on whether your pup will be a puller or not.

-We had a crate and two gates to gate him in the kitchen for when we would leave, now he stays in the crate and sleeps when we're sleeping or gone and always stays outside the crate when we're home/up.

The other thing that I would suggest that isn't listed is a seat cover for your car, a waterproof or water resistant one (but make sure it's washable so your car doesn't smell too bad :) you'll also need a nice harness for the car, bc you don't want the pup being jerked by their neck on bumps and stops and god forbid there's ever an accident, it's just safer.

Take plenty of photos of your little one, bc they grow up SO quickly (Max already turned 7 months 2 days ago and it feels like we just got him!

My favorite site for supplies is chewy.com, but I also like amazon, but I guess it's a personal preference.

Is this your first puppy?  If you need any help/advice with training just let us know!!



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