Harley has been throwing up since 6:30 this morning. 
It is like a thick white mucus foam. She threw up maybe 4 times in the crate and just now in the car. 
Yeah, I'm using my IPhone and on route 95! Is there anything I can do for her? I offered her food and water earlier after her first few throw ups. she is acting like her normal behavior wise. Got her Corg-attude going on! 

I can't think of anything that may have triggered this... she had a grumbling belly last night, along with stinky burps and farts. My poor baby :( My 3yr old cousin did slip her some carrots from last nights pot roast that my aunt made. And she had been sneaking cat food behind my back as I was making her meals... I don't know :( 
The last throw up did contain a tiny pieces of carrot... could that be it? 
help me :( I'm worried about her.. and she has 6hours of this car ride to go! 

ps. no worries I'm not posting and driving ;) 

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Hi Caitlin, I'm sorry to hear that Harley is not feeling well, the key is keep her hydrated, stop of potty break every 2 hours, you can let her stomach rest for today and not feed her anything extra today.
she just threw up again :( and whining a bit..she did drink some water now though. which is good... we stopped at a target... I need paper towels! i'm catching all her throw up in my hands :(
Is it possible the car ride is making her nervous and making her throw up? I agree with Sam, I would also withhold food and keep her hydrated. Hope she feels better soon!!
don't think it's the ride cause this started at 6:30 this morning in her crate. 
she did fine and slept the whole ride on Wednesday. I think 
it's the greasy carrots she got ahold of. 
Knock on wood.. I gave her pepto and water.. and no throwing up for the past hour. 
fast to sleep next to me... She had spit up but it was just more foam than this greasy white ick. 
Stopping again soon and will offer her some water and pray it stays down. Don't think the baby girl got any sleep last night :(
Hope she feel better soon. Drive safely.
Try withholding all food and water for 12 hours. If no more vomiting, start by offering small amounts of water every couple of hours. If that stays down, you can start adding small amounts(1/2 handfull) of food, preferably something bland(boiled chicken/rice). Sure hope Harley is feeling better soon!
Update: She hasn't thrown up since around 11 after giving her pepto and water. 
she's been asleep for most of the ride but I keep waking her for sips of water. 
I plan on making her some boiled rice tonight for dinner. Not too sure if we have chicken since we've been away from the house. 
hopefully it's out of her system... if not... to the vet tomorrow morning!!! 
Keep her hydrated, traveling + new food + New schedule can be stressful to some dogs, don't worry about food for today, let her stomach rest. If she is still losing fluid, you can get some pedialyte to restore the electrolytes.
Cat food will notoriously cause problems and apparently is almost as tasty as cat poop! Yuch! Hope she is better soon.
Sometimes they'll throw up foam if their stomachs get empty. It's an increase in acid that, if their schedule is off, the body releases in preparation for an expected meal that didn't come. Usually a few biscuits prior to a meal will help stave it off. Ragnar is notorious. If his breakfast if off schedule, he barfs on the bedroom floor. Then he's fine.
Hope Harley feels better soon!
Ginger throws up the white foamy stuff when she hasn't eaten in an extended period of time. Like you said, all of her other behavior is normal. I would try to get her to eat something.


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