Libby and Dyddy!!
  • 43, Female
  • Dania Beach, Florida
  • United States
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Libby and Dyddy!!'s Friends

  • Chris, Kadi & Brodie
  • Jeri and Katie Z
  • Katie & Mitzie
  • Brian, Tracey, Brady, & Raven
  • Donna & Jake
  • Cintia and Mr. Spock
  • Cathy
  • Alaina, Dyer and Odin
  • Jin & Culver
  • ♥ Kobi, Angel Kazi  & Kiya♥
  • Karen Matuszewski
  • Mark
  • Jennifer Morris
  • Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

Libby and Dyddy!!'s Discussions

Stiff neck??

Started this discussion. Last reply by Quincy ^,,^ & Michelle : ) Nov 5, 2011. 4 Replies

Allergies or just "stomach bug"?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Libby and Dyddy!! Feb 22, 2011. 2 Replies

What is a good inexpensive vacuum?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Guinness & Rosie Nov 7, 2010. 10 Replies


Welcome, Libby and Dyddy!!

Profile Information

About Me:
My name is Leonora and my husbands name is Carlos and we own two Pembroke Welsh Corgis: Dyddy is sable and white, and Libby is tri-colored. His b-day is April 12, 2004 and her b-day is March 17th 2002. Update from April 3rd- We will be expecting our first human child on or around June 8th!! A baby boy!!

Our son arrived on June 15th, 2011! He was 8lbs, 13 oz! We are in love, and Libby and Dyddy love to lick his feet and his head!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
They are such silly butts! By far the best dogs I've ever owned. He LOVES ice cubes, belly rubbings, "ear massages", he likes to chase his nugget, he is scared of lightining, he will lick your arm, elbow, or knee, but will not give face kisses, he loves breezy days, he also likes my moms dogs- 2 basset hound girls, he can make me happy no matter what kind of day I had. Our girl is so laid back. (Unless she is trying to get Dyddy to play with her!) She is very dainty, and sweet. She just enjoys being with her "people". Dyddy has successfully turned her on to ice cubes as well. She has to get at least two if we are giving cubes to Dyddy.
I have:

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Libby and Dyddy!!'s Blog

Just for a good chuckle.....

Posted on March 10, 2011 at 7:45pm 8 Comments

As we all know, our fur-babies are of the "fun-sized" persuasion. We ended up getting rid of our 4 poster bed, in exchange for a very low king-sized Ikea MALM bed which they can easily jump up on (and pleasurably enjoy hogging the ENTIRE bed). the mornings after the dogs get their first feeding, our girl will RACE my husband back to bed (he gets up, feeds both corgi's and then feeds our bunny) so she can jump on him and lick his face with appreciative "Thanks for the NOMs"…


Corgi sighting??

Posted on April 11, 2010 at 10:36pm 9 Comments

So Kirstie Alley has a corgi! On her new show- Kirstie Alley's The Big Life! Hes super cute!

Anyone seen it yet??

Lost Cairn Terrier in Miami - please help

Posted on February 24, 2010 at 6:40pm 6 Comments

This was posted on my friends facebook** shes lost her Carin Terrier in Miami - any help would be appreciated!!

Passing this on for Heather Graham Pozzessere FOR MIAMI FRIENDS: - "Toto is lost. Please help, he is our truly loved family pet, twelve years old, a cairn terrier, wheaten color and clipped. He disappeared from the area of 28th terrace between 32nd and 37th avenue in miami. If anyone knows anyone there, please ask them to help..."

Here is a link to her…


Sniffles the Bunny is in Heaven due to a Retrobulbar Abscess

Posted on December 19, 2009 at 11:00pm 4 Comments

So this morning we had to take our bunnie, a miniature Rex, to the Emergency Veterinarian who is a Bunny Specialist since Sniffles eye was bulging out of her head. His diagnosis was from Tooth Root problems which caused an abscess behind her left eye. We could have done surgery to remove the eye but with the costs of the medications, the multiple surgeries and there being no guarantee that she would pull through it left our only other option, to send her to Heaven far too early.

I am… Continue

Today is Dyddys Birthday!

Posted on April 12, 2009 at 4:13pm 0 Comments

Today we got to meet our potential new corgi. :) She is a doll! Hopefully we can get our ducks in a row.

Also, one of the tenants in our complex wants to surrender her corgi. He is BEAUTIFUL. He is a fluffy boy who is going to be 4 in June. We'll see how things work out.

Happy Easter to all!!! Squish your "bunnies" extra!

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At 9:42am on March 10, 2012, Ina & Scootie" said…

Awww thanks for asking...Scootie is back to his Corgilicious self, he is healing well, almost all the swelling is gone, he is running jumping and scampering about, he has lost a few lbs and has his swagger back.....He gets his stiches out next friday. I never put that horrible cone on him and he hasn't licked his wound at all.....That's my boy! Hope we can all meet up again soon...Have a great weekend and give my love to your Corgi Angels

At 7:46pm on March 19, 2011, Darlene Hennessy said…
Thanks for the comments about Gracie's flotation device! That is sure what it looks like. She is funny to watch in the water... she uses one back leg at a time, kind of like a rudder, keeps her on track!
At 5:50pm on March 14, 2011, Jeri and Katie Z said…

Hi New Pal!

At 10:10am on December 14, 2010, Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna said…


At 6:14pm on October 7, 2010, Cintia and Mr. Spock said…
Yes! and I am very anxious to have him at home soon :)
At 2:49pm on August 14, 2010, Sondra said…
Thank you for the welcome! We miss our guy but found that his legacy is our wish for another corgi puppy.
At 9:13pm on August 4, 2010, Rachelle N said…
I'd love to get a Pembroke Welsh Corgi like your two. Maybe Tipper will get a buddy in the future.
At 8:39am on July 24, 2010, Carol Rea said…
I appologize for getting involved! Must have been the pain from the fall/break/displacement. Had AHA moment 5 AM while drinking coffee...Emily is the one missing thr corgi, not finding it! I have 2 rescues and wanted so badly for this little girl to be home, know how I would feel losing either of mine! Will try to mind my own business from now on. I hope Emily finds her baby, is she chipped?
At 11:33pm on July 23, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Please contact Emily Matschok, new mycorgi member, I think she has found the lost dog you posted about! I added comment to your post Thurs, but had to leave home to go to doctor - i tripped & fell over Sonny, breaking & dislocating my collar bone, we are home now. I will also give Emily your names so she can contact you - I have no info on either end about this dog! Hope he gets back home. Carol Rea
At 6:29pm on July 20, 2010, Brian Ambrosius said…
yes, Brian's middle name "Ambrosius" was from the Labrynth! It was as a tribute to my roommates (as we watched the movie together) who lived with me when Brian was a puppy.

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