Its been going like this for a while. My puppy, Winston, has been completely rebellious with us. He only eats his food once a day. When we put the food down, he refuses to eat and will just lay down or go do something else. I think the problem was that we left the food for him while we go to work, so he would choose what time to eat. I've tried controlling a strict meal time with him, but he eats when he wants.


I don't want him to starve and I'm afraid he could get sick.


Is this normal? Or maybe his stomach doesn't intake much food? I'm feeding him about a 3/4-1 cup which is the recommended amount for his age and weight (if I'm wrong let me know).



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Hi Emiliano! Beside that one meal, what else does he get throughout the day? What kind of method have you tried in controlling meal time? Does Winston finish his food by the end of the day? Has he been like this all 9 months? How much does he weight now?
Young dogs have growth spurts and times when they just are not really hungry. I just put the food down twice a day for about 15-20 minutes and then pick it up whether it was all gone or not. They are better at determining how much they should eat at that age. As long as he is still growing I would not worry too much. If he starts losing weight you may want to see if he is teething and needs his food softened a little. My two are adults and eat 1/3 cup twice a day plus some green beans at dinner. They are active and very healthy. Both went through time periods when they were young when they were not overly excited about meals. Now days they are VERY enthusiastic about meal time!
I don't know about the recommended amount but if no other animal will get his food I would put it down and let him have it when he wants to. I have a couple like this. To me it is better than having to eat in a hurry just to eat.
My 8 month old is exactly the same. Occasionally she mows through her food (usually after a really long hike), but she's pretty much a once a day eater and just isn't overly excited about it. She weighs 21 pounds, and the vet said she looked great when he saw her a month ago. I figure she self-regulates, so I do leave the food down for her, and she eats when she's ready. She gets a cup a day, which seems like a lot when I see what others feed their corgis, but she's definitely in really good weight. She's very active throughout the day, and she doesn't have any digestive issues or stomach problems. She does get treats in the morning (her greenie and a piece of dried duck breast or salmon & sweet potato) & a few in the evening for training, but we try not to overindulge her :)
Too funny! Jackson is almost 9 months and is going through the exact same situation right now!

He has always LOVED his food, but a few weeks ago waited until very late in the day to eat his food, if at all. Sometimes he would even skip a day without eating. It went on like that for a week or so, but now he is eating one and a half times or twice a day.
His behavior and bowels (that he did have) were all a-okay, otherwise I would have thought something was up...

Jackson gets about one cup twice a day... Sometimes more depending on exercise.

Best of luck!
Dogs usually wont starve themselves unless there's something wrong with them. A day or two wont make them sick and sometimes new rules need adjustment.

The only reason I recommend a feeding time schedule is mostly if you travel with your pup and so they can do the NILF method when feeding. (tricks before they get their meal)

put the food down, set a timer, go about your business. When the timer goes off. If your pup hasn't eaten pick up bowl. No treats till next meal. Repeat.
My 7 month old pup has just started to eat everything, since before that he'd leave a bit or even ignore his food. Must be the growth spurt phases.
He's getting 1 cup 2x a day. I did try feeding him 3x a day but he just wouldn't eat, so now around noon, he gets a biscuit instead. I've also found that if i feed him alongside the other 2 corgi adults, he eats everything! I like the discipline aspect of feeding the 3 of them in the same general area and haven't had any food/territory behavior at all. When one dog finsihes, he just leaves the feeding place and stretches out to wait for hte others.

i also notice that the puppy eats a LOT slower than the adults.


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