I've been scanning the lost/stray pets at my local shelters and last week I ran across a purebred corgi. In my area corgis in shelters are very very rare, let alone purebred corgis. I called the shelter and found out the release date was today. Nobody claimed him during his 8 day stray hold at the shelter so today I bailed him out! He is the sweetest boy! Very submissive and mellow, friendly, and its clear somebody did a good job with his training. He hopped right in my car and settled down in the back seat for the ride home, knows sit, down, and stay, and appears potty trained. I already had a home in mind for him (I have a few friends looking for corgis and he fit what one of my friends is looking for exactly). I was a little disappointed I already had a home set up for him because he came right into my house went right to the back door to be let out to potty, then came immediately back in and jumped up on the couch and took a nap like he's been living here forever. He pretty much ignored Franklin and has a very gentle way about him. My friend sure got lucky with him! I guess its better I already had a home set up since Franklin seemed a bit jealous when I brought home a new dog and he stuck awfully close to me after I delivered him to his new home. But oh man that face, it melted my heart!  I'm so happy my co-worker ended up with him so he and Frank can have play dates once he's settled in. Its going to be a Merry Christmas for both her and this sweet little boy.

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You saved his life  =***)  

Wonderful! I hope it works out for those two. He's a beauty, it's surprising he was left as a stray, but it happens.

Yeah it is very very very unusual in my area. He is only the 2nd one this entire year who was not claimed.  I am just sad  that somebody out there may be missing their boy, he is so sweet and well behaved and seemed really well cared for. Wish he could tell us his story.

So glad he has a home for Christmas and that you will get to see him:)

A wonderful Corgi Christmas for all!

Way to go!! He has a home for Christmas! 

I guess it is better to give than recieve but not always easy. Thanks for saving him.

What a great Christmas present for everyone!!!!

His picture reminds me of my late Rusty.  Is he over sized Corgi?  What shelter did he come from? 

He looked bigger than frank but weighed the same oddly (30 pounds). I got him at the Sacramento city shelter

Aww, what a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas for him and your co-worker!  :D  I hope that he and Franklin can become good friends in the future!

It's really weird that such a fine and well-behaved dog would end up at a shelter.  You'd expect such an animal to be lost, not dumped, but in this internet age, you'd also expect it to be easy to reconnect a lost corgi with a searching owner, even if the owner was, say, an older not-tech-savvy person. 

Verify your microchip when you go to the vet -- Gwynnie's gave no signal, and one other person here reported this experience.


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