Today Kirby started limping really bad while playing fetch and I had to carry him home. But this isn't the first time he has limped badly. In January he was limping badly after jumping on the couch. Another time over a year ago he limped badly after trying to jump on the bed. He regularly limps after he gets up in the morning but he shakes that off after a few minutes.


It kills me to see him limp hobble around. I'm thinking about really limiting his jumping, running up and down stairs because I'm scared that one day he'll seriously injure himself. I hope he's not seriously injured now. I'll see if he's feeling any better in the morning. Does anybody elses corgi have limping problems? Kirby is only 2 years old

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Is it a certain leg? Front/back? It's not that unusual for them to be sore once in a great while (just like a person), but if he's limping every morning I would probably be a little concerned. Is he on any supplements?
It's the front leg. He takes glucosamine tablets with his food every day.
It would be worth while to have a vet check his leg. I had a male corgi that would limp off and on, it ended up that he had a bone chip in his ankle and depending on where the chip was sitting would depend on if he limped or not because the chip floats around in the ankle. Unfortunately there are so many nerves running thru that part of the ankle the vets felt it safer not to remove it as it could cause more damage. I would definately try to stop his jumping if he is jumping from higher places, if have a ramp and stairs up to my bed so the corgi's don't jump up or down. Hope Kirby feels better soon.
The amount of stuff that can go wrong amazes me sometimes.  A piece of bone just floating around in there?  Yick!  That's awful.  I hope it didn't bother him too much.
I would have a vet check him out. This sounds similar to when Sparty partially tore his Cruciate Ligament. We were able to manage it with anti inflamatories and limited activities. I think if we had waited surgery would have been our only option.

The very first time this happened we immediately took him to the emergency vet and they just injected him with some strong painkillers and billed us $300. The vet didn't do much and he pretty much healed on his own. The 2nd time we waited a few days and took him to our regular vet and she prescribed him some painkillers which really helped. So I called the vet and asked to get some more. Hopefully the meds will help and it's not too serious. He's putting slightly more weight on it than yesterday.


But I'm really going to stop him from jumping on and off things and running up and down stairs.

Good idea, you may also want to keep / maintain him at an optimal weight, it'll put less stress on the joints.
Goldy has this too - it happens about once very three weeks or so.  The first time it happened it only lasted like 10 minutes - the next time, it went on for a few hours, so I hauled her to the vet for xrays.  He said that she has a nerve or ligament - can't remember which that moves around.  When it moves into a certain position it causes her some discomfort, he compared it to us hitting our funny bone - doesn't feel good, but isn't a "injury" - she's quite pitiful when it's sore - limping around and sitting outside in the rain, but I think she also likes the dramatics and the attention.
Franklin sometimes limps on his right hind leg. He has done this off and on since he had a muscle biopsy in October. Vet says its unrelated but I can't help but wonder. He's had 2 full sets of x-rays, one under full anesthetic and one with light sedation, both of hips/knees and both came out totally clean. He is 2 years old also. He can also get grouchy when I touch his hips/back legs and growl really quietly and get really tense. No idea what this is from but he's been checked out by several different vets for it and all say he's clean. Sooooo I just try to limit his activity for a few days after he has shown signs of limping and make sure to give him glucosamine/chondrotin and fish oil (omega 3's and 6's) to help with inflammation.


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