Any good tips for curbing excessive barking? I know this is expected with corgis but it's a bit much some times.

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This is a tough one! I use a pop can with several pennies taped up with duct tape. I shake the can a couple times and say "no bark" I keep this by my door as that is where they usually bark. I do have one barker that this doesn't work for. You can also teach them to use their "quite or inside" voice but this will take some time. Sorry I don't have a perfect tip .
Its okay I appreciate the response, We tried the can with pennies too once......didnt work either. She actually got more agressive when I would shake it. Shes a wacky dog. Doesnt really do anything the training books said she would do. Shes in her own world
One thing you can do is have treats at your side. When your dog mumbles or grumbles.. (a lot of corgis talk so Im just assuming yours does this sometimes too lol) tell it "good whisper!" then eventually ask your pup to "whisper".

Then once you have your pup to whisper on command (indoor voice). Have a friend knock on the door for you a couple times and keep your pup doggy gated in the same room you're in so they can't run out/bark (which is the hardest part... they run out to the door b4 you can tell them no lol). Then tell your pup "quiet" or "whisper" - when quiet.. give a treat.

I also rile up Charlie every now and then during training so he's barking crazy like. Then put my finger to my lip and go "shhh quiet". When he's quiet I treat him. This has helped a little bit when they're stuck in the same room as me. Like I said its hard when they go running out of the room and down to the door :( Yelling "QUIET SHH NO!" doesn't seem to work at that point lol. So I try to remember to keep the baby gate up.

I also make them sit quietly (which.. is a work in progress and sometimes takes a long time) before I let my visitor in.
lol that's a good idea Ill try that, ans yes she does grumble alot, its very funny. And she does mini woofs too.
Great idea Avyon! We're working on inside voices at the moment, but using the word 'whisper' makes much more sense. Thanks!
In order:

1) More exercise
2) More brainwork
3) A bark collar (citronella)
4) Debarking

If a dog is barking because she's underexercised or bored, that's your problem, not hers. You have to engage her brain and her body and get her focused on things that do not need to be barked at.

If you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that she is getting exhausting, fulfilling exercise every day, and is engaged and using her brain, then try a citronella collar.

If the citronella doesn't work, and again only if you can swear that she is tired and happy, debarking is the best solution. Many corgis and other working dogs bark because they're happy, not just because they are alerting you to something. You MUST work them hard enough that you can distinguish between excited-because-she's-bored and excited-because-she's-working-hard, because responding to the first with something like debarking is not at all fair to her. But if you know for sure that you have a happy, fulfilled dog in every way, who just likes to mouth off, debarking allows her to continue to do so without being constantly yelled at or punished for her normal and natural behavior. I would much rather see someone debark than use an e-collar, for example, especially if the dog required a correction above the lowest.
can you exactly explain what debarking is? It's not that surgery is it?
Debarking is a surgery. I know breeders will use it with some herding breeds (Shelties, Corgis). Trying to keep a half-dozen barky dogs quiet enough to not have the neighbors call the cops on you can be difficult.

I know there is some controversy. Personally, I think it's less stressful to the dog to surgically debark it than to constantly be trying to correct them for behavior that is natural. Corgis bark while they work. I have two and can keep the cacophany to a dull roar, but I can't imagine what I'd do with 5 or 6, which would be a common number for a breeder to have.

With one of the types of surgery, the dog can still bark but the volume is simply reduced.
If your dog barks to alert you to sounds or sights, I find that looking out the window and saying "Thank you" in a normal voice is generally enough. If you generally recognize their effort to alert you, then when you give an "ah-ah" to an unwarranted alert bark, they are likely to comply because they understand that you know why they are barking.

If your dog likes to bark while playing, you can sometimes convince them to carry one toy in their mouth the whole time, which muffles any barking. Jack always runs around with a tennis ball in his mouth while he's chasing something else, and that helps.

Maddie will bark and bark if she's doing something fun, like playing with another dog or swimming. We once took her swimming and she spent an entire hour paddling around barking her fool head off. *sigh* Like Joanna says, working dogs will frequently vocalize the entire time they "work", which can be difficult to stop without harsh methods.

Jack will also bark to tell us to "hurry up" when we are coming downstairs in the morning, late in putting him to bed at night, etc. And he "arooos" very happily when you start walking towards the treat area.

I don't really mind a vocal dog, so we've dealt with it ok.
I'm relieved to finally know that after all those years of "Yard! Hush!!", "Yardley; QUIET"; which never really worked, that it was all very normal : ) I miss that big voice.
Edward is barking outside right now at the squirrels!!! Ugh.
If you can find any possible way to teach your corgi how to not bark on command and stop her on a dime, I'm sure we would all like to know. Nothing ever worked with Pooh. I tried everything right down to a bark collar. I did not want to resort to that but it was all I had left. I'm not sure if it ever even shocked him because it seemed he barked longer and harder with it on. No Yipes, or cowering or wondering what was going on, just louder. I couldn't break him of it. I literally could not look out of the blinds without flinching to see if someone was there because he knew what it meant and would go crazy. He's been gone a year and I still flinch when I do. lol Somehow though, I have taught Copper to quiet down when he does need to bark and he always seems disgruntled but he listens for the most part. I would like to think it will remain this way but I don't wanna get my hopes up. He does like a half woof as quiet as he can. It may have been something I did or he may just be smart. Who knows for sure. Hope you can find a solution.


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