I wanted to post this so everyone that keeps posting how their corgi chases the cats can see that it can work out. Sparty used to be a big offender and Cheech (cat) came to our house as an adult rescue that was afraid of the dogs. Izzy and Miisty have been cuddle buddies of Cheech's for some time but this was the first time Sparty was selected. A landmark at our house!

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I'm at work and can't see the pic for some reason, so I'll check it out later. I've been thinking of starting a corgi/cat thread myself. I just wanted to add that things are not always what they seem with the chasing, either. Maddie is fairly obsessed with the cat. I've gotten to the point where I can call her off the cat, but I can't yet get her to actually ignore it--- she'll go right back to following kitty around the second I verbally release her.

But yesterday evening we had Maddie crated to enjoy a big treat, and I was looking around wondering where the cat was. I went in the breakfast nook, where the crates are, and where is Boo? On top of Maddie's crate, poking her paws in through the wire. I wish I had a picture. Clearly the cat is the one instigating the entire thing!
Oh yes Beth, that is why if the cat starts it I do not put a stop to things (obviously if there are teeth involved I step in). My other cat, Chong, loves a good chase and will start it. It is funny to see a corgi and a cat come racing through the room and then a cat chasing a corgi come racing back. It is obvious that Chong loves it. Cheech on the other hand only wants to cuddle.
Cheech and Chong, that's great Bev, love it! lol! I hope our cats and Frosty can work out their differences. I think if we had only one cat, I wouldn't have any trouble. Unfortunately we have 3 cats who all have a different approach for dealing with the dog. Cat #1 instigates the dog to chase him all day long just so he can bat the dog in the nose Cat #2 Picks fights with the dog if there are humans in the room, but cries and screams like a big baby if the dog comes after her in the other room (don't worry, nothing is happening to her, I have staked out the situation and the dog is only looking at her while she cries - I think she's just trying to get him in trouble) Cat #3 is deathly terrified of the dog and runs off full speed if Frosty comes anywhere near him, so now Frosty is in the habit of trying to grab him as he runs by. "leave it" works really well, but like Beth said, after I verbally release him, he goes right back to cat stalking again. I guess it is a sign of improvement, maybe, that he is stalking them now (with the intent of sniffing their rear-end) as opposed to the full out chasing after them we had in the beginning.
Yes, Maddie keeps trying to sniff the kitty's butt too, and Boo finds it very indecent. Both of mine will also play-bow for the cat.

Jack has it all figured out. The cat is a tease; she will dart up and then run off but she always disappears, so he mostly ignores her. But Maddie is fascinated by the whole thing. The cat has taken to rearing up on her hind legs and boxing Maddie about the ears and muzzle. Since claws are in, I just keep a careful eye.
Thanks Chris, I have to admit they came with the names. I got them when they were 4 years old, two brothers in rescue. We did the dragging leash thing when Sparty was a pup with my other (now gone 3 cats) and when we added Misty to stop unwanted chasing. Izzy just needs to hear no and she stops so needs almost no correction at all. These two have no claws at all so I have been very strict with the dogs.
My very old cat will stand her ground, while my son's cat (who is almost as big as Corie, runs, so the chase is on. I use 'leave-it' and she will sometimes, stop chasing her...
Bear encountered his first up close kitty when we went to the breeder to pick out Goldy. Bear found the kitty, barked, circled and then went in for a sniff. The kitty growled and gave Bear a good swipe across his side. A puff of fur floated in the air - and Bear retreated with a howl. It was really funny...next on WHEN KITTIES ATTACK...
Bev, what a sweet picture! They look so content.
Yay! Kitty-corgi cuddling is the cutest! :)

So there is hope for my five cats when I bring my puppy home, haha
Absolutely! As long as you make it clear to the puppy where he falls in the pecking line, so to speak. Oliver knows that the cats rank him. He wants to play with them, but he knows that if they wanted to (which they don't) they could take his food.
Prissypants stalking Frosty while he was sleeping... ya, she whapped him in the back of the head. Poor tormented dog lol

Chloe loves to chase the cats, that has it's downfalls since they are declawed in the front. A couple of times they must have called a truce, the cat and the dog are lying on my bed, or all are on the living room coach. I do wish Chloe was not so interested in the neighborhood cats when I walk her though. My cats are indoors only.


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