June 24, 2011  The vets diagnois is Auto Immune Mediated Inflammatory Disease.


Well, here we are two weeks after Lance's initial vet visit for a check on his ears that were bothering him, seeming to be an ear infection when shortly after that visit he developed ear Hematomas. The vet is still waiting for a few more results as the tests he ran, take a couple days to get all of the results back.  With all the symptoms, Lance is presenting over the last two weeks with no relief, he really is pretty sure he has the auto immune mediated inflammatory disease.  He got a shot of steriods at the vet today, and will start taking steriods in pill form starting tommorrow.  Hopefully the steriod treatment will bring relief for once. 


Seems a bit overwhelming dealing with such an issue, that seems to have come out of no where.  The vet said he would call and check on how Lance was doing later tonight.  Heres hoping that the vet bills don't go into overdrive, but of course wanting Lance to get well and stay well.  What an emotional rollercoaster. 


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I hope and pray the steroids kick in quickly to bring Lance some relief from the past 2 weeks. I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but at least you have an answer. How are you and the family doing with this diagnosis?
Thanks Allison.  Trying to do our best coping with such shocking news, so suddenly.  We have been dealing with my brother in law battling a rare form of cancer and just got the news that he is cancer free, and was able to stop chemo now, which was suppose to continue into August.  He was through alot this past year between radiation, chemo and surgery, so we were all so happy to get the awesome news!!  Not long after that news did we find out about Lance, if its not one thing its another.

Feel better soon Lance! I know your family will feel better too once you're doing better.


I'm sorry but I don't know much about the  Auto Immune disease...will this flare up occasionally or is it something that you have to live with on a regular basis?

Im not sure yet, but it will be a good question for the vet when we go this Saturday!!
Hoping for the best!

Lance and his favorite cow:


Awwwwww Lance you handsome guy! YOu look like you're really liking your new toy:)

Its an old toy, but probably seems new to him, as he hasn't seen it recently.  We have to supervise him with stuffed toys as he like to destroy them, as you can tell by the cows ear.  :)    I think I know why its his favorite, the cow has a heart on it side, just like Lance!!


Ahhh Lance, you break my heart. You can tell you don't feel good. You sure are adorable and many kisses for you. I hope you start feeling better soon.
What a good looking boy. We are following this and hoping the best. He is very lucky to have such a caring parent.
Oh, sorry to hear this!   Hopefully the steroids will stop the flare-up.  Is this a chronic thing, or recurring-remitting?
Awe the poor little guy, i feel for him. so sorry to hear about the diagnosis. My Wrangler was diagnosed with that  5 years ago. It effected his joints. How old is Lance. I did alot of research on line about it. Hope he feels better soon.


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