Over the past year I have been dealing on and off with respiratory allergies which appeared to be seasonal. First one dog, then another, then another, sometimes they took turns... As the various seasons rolled by I gave medication when needed, as it got really bad, limiting time outside,  always finding some other excuse. Mold, cold, snow, windy, pollen from the trees, from the grasses, from ragweed... until finally none of it made any sense. I've had dogs all my long life and never experienced this, other than the occasional episode, let alone with three dogs, more or less year round. Note that I have been using the exact same food ( Avoderm Lamb and rice) for the past 20 years.

Recently a friend told me she had been having allergy problems with her Border Collie and Pug ( reverse sneezing and runny eyes ), don't know what she'd been feeding, but she had switched  to Costco's grain free turkey and sweet potato and, in a short period, all symptoms had disappeared, including runny eyes of the Pug.  As I was getting desperate ( it affected my Service Dog and I had trouble taking her with me as she sounded more like a goose than a dog ) I figured I had nothing t loose and headed for Costco.  I upped the ante and got their Natural Domain  ORGANIC Chicken and peas formula, to cover all the bases.

It has taken me two weeks to gradually go from 1/2 and 1/2  to 2/3, to all new food, but I saw definite improvement in just a few days.  Allergies are tricky, so I will have to give it awhile before making a firmer connection, but I wanted to share my experiment and see if anyone else had linked food to persistent reverse sneezing.  I really would not have guessed it could be a factor.   If anyone else is dealing with it and would like to give a try to switching food, it would make the experiment more interesting.

JULY 24, 2015 It's been now close to two months since switching food.  We still had a few episodes of respiratory allergy with the three dogs, but nowhere near the duration or frequency of incidents. 

My Mini-Dachshund, who was the worst, has had one time when I gave her medication ( as compared with twice daily with limited results before).

My 16 Yr. old Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix has had a few short episodes, no medication being required.

Mowgli ( the Corgi)  is still having occasional respiratory issues.  He has received some medication at a minimal dose for a total of 6 or 7 times ( as compared to daily before I switched ).  

The medication I use is an over the counter generic allergy medicine:

Chlorpheniramine 25 mgs. : I give the Corgi 1/2 pill as needed.  One dose is all he usually needs in any 24 hr. period.

To conclude:  I don't think the dog food is the primary cause of the respiratory allergy, but I do think that it contributes to the end result.  The immune system is less challenged by the organic, grain free food, and more of it's resources can be directed at coping with the environmental challenges.  At least that's my theory.... What exactly in the food may be adding to the allergy load, I don't know, as the dogs had been on this food for years with no problems until last year.  Something changed and I have no way of knowing what.  I am sticking with the new food.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2015

Last month, as I was still having problems, I decided to consult with a third Vet.  She listened and quickly diagnosed  NOSE MITES.  I had never heard of this.  We treated the Mini Dachshund and the Corgi ( three doses by mouth of Ivermectin 1%, each dose one week apart) and my Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix, we treated with the topical Revolution, three doses one  month apart of which she's had the first ( because Collie breeds can react negatively to Ivermectin and the dose is much stronger than what she would get in a Heartworm preventive tablet, this was a longer, but safer option for her).  FINALLY all three dogs are back to normal healthy function.  What a huge relief!!!

Nose mites are picked up from the soil in certain areas, apparently some years are worse than others. They are not contagious to other dogs.  I asked if we could test for it. You can, but the dog needs to be put under anesthesia and a scope inserted in the nasal cavity for visual inspection.  Not worth it, the Vet said, if you suspect them, go ahead and treat. She said some dogs with nose mites sneeze so hard they bonk their nose on the floor, which was exactly what Mowgli would do sometimes.  Hope our experience can benefit someone else.

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Makes sense to me...a friend was able to cure her cocker's terrible ear infections by changing foods. Hope this continues to work for you.

So far so good, we're just on day  two from the complete change.  Crossing my fingers and holding my breath!

That IS interesting. Cassie occasionally has a bout of reverse sneezing. It's a lot less frequent of late...when I first got her she got reverse-sneeze attacks all the time. I'll keep this in mind!

Vicky, was there a substantial change in food for  Cassie before and after you got her?

I don't know, Anna. I assume she ate dog food -- probably kibble -- because that's what most people feed their dogs. After the Late Great Melamine flap, I began feeding my dogs real food: a combination of cooked meat, dog-friendly vegetables, and a starch such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal, or (rarely) rice. Treats are pieces of raw apples or carrots, or single small kibbles of Wellness grain-free turkey kibble.  Both dogs appear to be thriving. They're healthy and beautiful, the vets marvel at them, and they seem to think they're rocketships.

Cassie hasn't had a reverse-sneeze episode in a very long time.

Sounding good:) Hope it works!

It's been now 10 days since the complete changeover and, aside from the rare, short incident, all three dogs have been well.  I know 10  days is a short time to evaluate an allergy, so I will update this at the one month mark. 

July 24, 2015:  Updated text

Aug 1, 2015 we had a setback and I've been trying to figure out why.  I had stopped using the doggy probiotics for the last week or so.  I've started them up again and seen definite improvement.  The link between gut function, immune response and inflammation is a very strong one, so this step may be important in controlling respiratory allergies as well.  My experiment continues.

Finally all is well AND quiet, see update in the main text.

Nose mites? OMG, I never heard of such a thing!

?????? I wonder if that could explain Cassie's reverse sneezing?

She only sneezes occasionally, though... And so far Ruby hasn't done it at all. The Merck Veterinary Manual says "transmission is thought to be via direct and indirect contact between dogs." If Ruby starts, then they're both off to the vet, with this bit of intelligence in hand.

Thanks for the clue!


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