Our corgi Oliver is turning 1 soon, and we have been thinking of getting a second corgi, not just so that he will have a buddy, but because we love the breed and would like to have a second pet. We were thinking of getting a second male in a couple of months, but were advised by Oliver's trainer to get a female instead.


I have read posts here about getting a second dog, and was wondering what people's experiences have been with two male corgis together or with a male and female together in the same household.

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I sure would love to read what people have to say about this, im adding a male pup next wk to my home. Carly is a  1yr old female.

Here is a good past discussion with some more links to other past discussions. Hope they help!! I would never hesitate to get 2 boys, but I have always had trouble with females and never with males. Talk to the breeder you choose so they can help you pick a boy with an attitude and personality that compliments Oliver's.

I also think 2 males are fine ...I have several of each (some are rescues) and only one time had a fight with my own and the 2 rescues who I've had for almost 3 years. One of each is fine also but I do find my males more "easy going"! Can't wait to see what you decide.Also neutering is a good idea.
Thanks Chris and Jane. Seems like a lot of people have two males and there is no major problem with it. Oliver is the sweetest dog, extremely social, and has never gotten in a fight with any other dog, but he is a little on the dominant side, which I guess is why his trainer suggested a female companion. We are going to talk to his breeder and see what she thinks since a new litter is not due until mid April.
I have 2 males both neutered they are 9 months apart.  They are best of friends and can turn around and get into a fight (never a serious one with blood or injury).  Just like any siblings. Chepstow was 15 months when we brought home 6 month old Tenby.  Tenby was a rescue and had many issues.  We feel that Chepstow helped more in saving Tenby then we did.  Chepstow was and still is (4 years later) a wonderful big brother and still gives Tenby tender guidance on a regular basis. 
I also think at 1 this is a perfect time to add another but then I added 1 each year for 5 years:)
I would talk to your breeder and explain Oliver's personality and let them choose a puppy for you based on temperament. Usually females tend to be more dominant, so if Oliver is dominant as well that may cause problems. Personally I have two neutered males and they get along fine, but my older dog is pretty submissive so I wasn't too worried about dominance issues when we got a second.
Will definitely talk to his breeder before we commit on a second male or female puppy. Oliver gets along so well with other male dogs that I don't think getting another male should be an issue, even though that is not the most recommended thing to do in most instances.

We just got our second Corgi three weeks ago and had decided on a little girl (8 weeks). She was quiet, very laid back even though she was more mobile than her siblings she did not seem very dominant. And our Woz is just sweet and pliable as can be. Definitely a submissive type.

Oh how could we be more wrong! Once we got her home, she has tried to "rule the roost" with our 1 year old male. He's put her in her place on many occasions but he seems to be okay with her when she tries to be too bossy. Devil dog, she is! He just sits on her when he's had enough! We have been feeding him first and doing the usual tricks for her to get used to the idea that older brother comes first and she has to abide by him. Ha! Slowly but surely she is coming around.

I don't know how she could do such a turn around since we've been seeing her since birth several times (for at least an hour a visit) before bringing her home. I don't regret her one bit but it never ceases to amaze me the difference between the two. I love them both but I think I have several new grey hairs!





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