Florida corgi VS Toronto Raccoon


I have a stubborn raccoon that camps out on my 2nd floor balcony, it keeps coming back every other night and causing the corgis to bark in the middle of the night. I had a talk with the condo management and they said animal control will not come out, the only thing they suggested was pouring "bleach" around the balcony. The balcony have no trash, food or plants, so most of the internet suggestions do not apply to my situation. 

Vienna: "Open the gate dad, it's an oversize squirrel!" 


The racoon is quite bold, it will not back off, when I use a broom to "sweep" him off, it growls and hold his ground. The corgis can bark all night long and he will not move an inch away from the sliding door. The only thing that "worked" so far is a water squirting bottle, it'll move but only to crawl to my next door neighbour's balcony.

Notice how FAT this raccoon is?


When the "coast" is cleared, he'll climb back :(


Raccoon: "curse you! I shall return!"


Any ideas?




"Randy" the raccoon crossed the rainbow bridge tonight, he was hit by a car earlier this evening, I picked up his body and lay him on the sidewalk :( 


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Maybe vinegar in a squirt gun?
I've used vaseline on bird feeders to make the squirrels go away...they couldn't climb up the pole to get to the bird seed. Any chance vaseline would work on the balcony so that the racoons couldn't get a grip?  No pun intended...:)
Send him over here. I think that Dino would make a friend out of him.
@steve - hmmm, i don't think too many corgis would want to make friends with a huge raccoon anymore than make friends with a squirrel.

heh - ever seen this one?




Raccons use to climb up the posts of my deck and get on it during the night.  A friend "wired" the posts high up like an electric fence.  It gave off enough electricity to keep the critters away, but doesn't hurt them.  And it was not close to any pets.  Worked well!!

Sam, it might scare the raccoons away and possibly a few friends.  Depends on how desperate you are:




Like you I have a spray bottle on my porch, to use on a tom cat.  He lives locally, he's not a stray, but he is a nuisance spraying my front porch. I put a bit of lemon juice in it when he gets too persistent.  It is supposed to emulate a urine spray.  It keeps him away for a period of time.  Hasn't been a permanent fix for me, but if you haven't added the lemon juice yet to your spray, might be worth a try.  Good luck!
Any updates on the racoon invasion?
Hahaha Jane, I'm Wendy. Lucy's my red & white Pem. Anyhow, around here we have plenty of real coyote urine and it doesn't deter any of the vermin. But thanks.
OK Wendy I had a temperary brain_______. Sorry honestly it wasn't due to the wine!
0 like?  It is a fat, cute raccoon, come on!  I am clicking it!


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