We have had our Corgi, Zeke for a year now and my husband has just added number two a little girl.  I wanted to know if many of you keep your Cogis outside.  Zeke has always been and inside dog, but now with two I wondered how they would do outside together on occasion? 

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Hi Addell,

Corgis are definately family dogs and want to be around them. Corgis definately would enjoy playing in the yard with each other for play time but not to keep them outside for long periods of time by themselves. :)
I see also that you're in Texas...corgis don't like heat! I agree with Natalie, they want to be there with you.
My corgi and corgi mix enjoy being inside with us. They will ask to go outside, but they hurry back in pretty quickly!
Kota likes to go outside for play but right inside he comes after a bit to be with the rest of the family.
Mine like to be with us. I have always been cautious about leaving them outside especially when we are not home just for safeties sake.
defiantly keep them inside:), they love to be with you and dont take the heat well since there coat is so thick. teddy likes to be outside but as soon as he done going potty he wants in, same thing after playing. and if left outside they might bark since they will get bored or do inappropriate things
Thanks for the input. It looks like Zeke and Addy will be inside.
We put in a doggy door so that when we are at work they can come and go as they please. But they sure prefer to be in the house especially when we are home or in the summer when its hot. My babies are a very important part of our family and we want them to be comfortable and happy, (and close by for a little furry snuggles).
My 3 corgis go outside around 8 and stay outside for the entire morning. I have a very safe, 3 acre fenced area for them, plus a shady terrace with water. If it's hot ( and I'm in Texas, too), I'll bring them in for the afternoon but they go outside for at least an hour after supper at 6.
they play, chase, wrestle all day long. And at least 2x a day, we all go for a walk together and walk the fence line or play in the stream. Of course I do check on them every once in a while and they don't stay outside if no human is at home.

I really like the idea of them outside as much as possible and they seem to love it. Our evenings are great, too, because they all fall asleep at our feet--very much a quiet time.
My corgi is indoors. He will go outside to play for just a bit or go potty, but he prefers the luxury of being inside. Even if both my husband and I are outside doing things, he will come out with us for a little while, but then he wants to go back inside.
Our girls (like one of the others here) have a doggy door so they have inside/outside privileges (we also have the acre-big, fully fenced back yard for outside). We live in Missouri, which is more temperate, but we find that they spend about half and half time when given a choice and the weather is nice.

As I write this, they are outside running around even though my husband and I are in the den in the "inside" area. (They were in here for most of the evening but now have been out for a while). It's about 60 degrees here right now though (hard to even convince them to go out an potty in the rain!).

My opinion would be that outside is fine for exercise and FRAPing as long as they have access to the cool inside when they're tuckered out. Maybe a doggy door?
Thanks so much for the input. A doggy door sounds like a great idea.


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