I'm not sure if this is bad luck or a bad decision on my part. I have been on a waiting list for my very own corgi since April and it is still not looking very good. There have been numerous missed/failed pregnancies or very small litters (1-3 pups, not all of them make it). 

As a first time dog owner, I'm not really quite sure how this process goes. It seemed to be the best option on the west coast that I could locate. The breeder is responsive, does testing, shows her dogs, the place is clean ect. I think she is a very nice lady and I want to believe every good thing, but I'm worried I may just be naive? I keep getting my hopes up, only to be disappointed.

Is this wait normal? How long is too long?  Multiple times i have considered throwing a fit or ditching my deposit, but I know it wouldn't do much good. 

Help!! :( How long was your search for your corgi?

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Tears. Just lots of tears.

The litter that was due on the 10th had complications and turned into an emergency C-section but they were too late. All four pups couldn't be saved. Just terrible news. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. I am ready to abandon my deposit and look elsewhere.

To top it off we also just got news my husband is leaving on a deployment in late February and I need a companion. More now than ever.  Does anyone know of any DM and vWD clear litters coming soon? Any leads or tips would be appreciated...I've contacted my breeder but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. I also asked if I could buy out someone's wait list spot, and if that fails I'll be asking her to direct me to a breeder. But I figured I'd ask here just in case.

Just a crappy weekend for me... I hope it doesn't last.

That's dreadful news. I'm so sorry!

Have you thought of looking for a dog of some other breed...or maybe Heinz 57? It could be easier to find a dog that would be approximately the right size and temperament, rather than holding out for a corgi.

Thank you, I'm hoping that was the last bad news I have to hear for a long time. I've waited over 8 months, I feel as though it would be pointless to throw in the towel now!

I did talk to Lindsay tonight and she definitely helped me feel better. Offered to help me find another pup...but I don't know, I really like her, her values, her testing, and the pups she does have. She showed me two other breeders but they are 1) much more expensive on top of the 200 I would lose from her deposit as well as 2) very far, require 300 dollar shipping on top of the other expenses. 3) basically getting less for a high price. for example, no microchipping.

I don't mind buying out another person on HER waitlist...but paying that much with a breeder I know nothing about...Im not sure.

So sorry you have had so much bad news! Have you considered fostering a dog for awhile to help you, and a lonely homeless dog deal with the setbacks? It isn't for everyone for sure, but is it for you?

Thank you! The support I've received from you guys is much appreciated. Fostering...I have considered it but not sure where to go with it quite yet. The dates for puppies are all over the place, and it seems the more I plan, the less I can count on. I would assume by the time I got everything all squared away with fostering a puppy would turn up for me! Ever get that feeling? Ha ha

It might take a year, it might take a day, but what's meant to be will always find a way.

The German Shepherd people in Px are ALWAYS looking for fosters. If you're not used to dealing with a high-drive breed, a white ger-shep is the best choice, because they tend to be a little more  mellow. Or any of them simply calm down about the age of 5. http://www.swgermanshepherdrescue.com/

I am so sorry for your disappointment. First, she should be giving your deposit back. Her inability to get a litter on the ground is not your fault. Second, I would run not walk to find a new breeder. One failed litter is normal. Two is bad luck. But this is sign of a problem.

There is more to genetic health than health testing. Being able to conceive and whelp normal sized litters is a sign of health. Not being able to do so may be a warning sign. I once politely walked away from a very reputable breeder based on an offhand remark she made about puppies not thriving.

I also wouldn't be caught up on DM yet. There are other genes involved that haven't been found yet and at least one clear and one carrier dog have gotten DM. You can do a search here and find several research-heavy threads.

Feel free to message me if there is something you want to talk about that you don't want public.
If you do back out, be kind and polite. Most of the breeders know each other. You don't want to close any doors.

There's definitely something to that.

I wanted to add that it's not uncommon for a pregnancy to not take. The breeder we used had to skip a litter because she got shipped semen and it turned out not to be viable.

I am more concerned with the repeated tiny litters.

If she is only breeding DM clear, there are very very few Corgis who are DM clear. That MIGHT mean she is doing very close line-breeding to maintain the "clear" line and one of the signs of inbreeding suppression is reduced litter size and trouble conceiving. Inbreeding can also lead to reduced vigor and poor immune response, which won't show up on any genetic health test. That's why I'd be a bit concerned about all the failed/ tiny litters back-to-back.

Again, I am not saying this is the case because it could be anything else and it might really just be a bad run of luck. But after waiting so long she really should be offering to give your deposit back.

I agree with Beth, having bred Corgis in the past my litter sizes were 7-10 and I did lose a one with the biggest litter but never had a problem with this otherwise. Does this breeder(or any future breeder you look into) have a return policy? I would check because if they do depending on the breeder you could possibly get an older pup. I had a return pup policy for the life of my dogs and only had 2 pups returned BUT it wasn't due to the pup but to either a person with a child that had some issues and a boyfriend who didn't "like" the Corgi. I brought them back and checked them out and both went to wonderful homes....I smile every time the one woman says "she's my best friend".

Are her dogs born and raised in her home???? I realize that maybe I was crazy but  when it got close to their due date I was all set up and actually took off work to make sure I was available to be with my female. I spent several nights sleeping on the bathroom floor waiting for pups to be born. I know there are dogs that need vet intervention but a normal healthy female should not be losing all so many pups. Just my opinion.

As for distance...I never would ship my pups but several people flew in from as far away as NY to pick up a pup to fly home in the cabin with them....I know your situation might be different but driving a distance to get a pup may also be a better choice than waiting for this woman????

Good luck!

She does have a return policy. She offered to take Ruby back when all this cancer stuff came up and it looked like I wouldn't be able to care for the pup. Fortunately my son stepped in and boarded Ruby at his house, but Lindsay did offer to let us bring her back.

In my observation, she had the puppies in her home. We went out to her place twice to look at them when they were tiny, and each time found them in a pen in the living room.

And after we had purchased Ruby and were about to take her home, I learned that she did have a dog there -- a very beautiful one -- that someone had returned. ;-) If I'd known, I might have asked for that one and avoided all the joys of puppy raising.

Is it the same dam that's having such small litters and that lost a litter? She has several breeding females. If this is happening to more than one, I might worry that some kind of infection was moving among them.


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