Ugh, is there no end to the things people will pitch out a car window? Jack found and ate most of a Boston Creme doughnut before my husband managed to get the rest of it away from him.

I think the small amount of cheap chocolate in the glaze is probably not enough to cause harm, but I'm more worried about the fat and large amount of sugar. I'm waiting for the vet to open to see what they say. I have a feeling I will have a vomiting dog on my hands pretty soon....

Should I be concerned?

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Well, the vet said it shouldn't be a problem except that he may, of course, have vomiting or diarrhea.

I just don't get why people toss food out the window. We've had to maneuver around bagels, half-drunk coffees, an entire pile of bread (I have NO idea why that was there). Of course the usual beer cans and the occasional six-pack of beer, which is probably under-aged kids dumping it before the cops or parents find them.

Why do some people think the world is their personal trash can?
I have that problem with Sparty too. He is so fast that it is unlikely I will see the road trash before he gets it. Fortunately he has an iron stomach. Hope Jack suffers no ill effects. Walking by an ice cream store is like walking through land mines for us.
Yeah, Jack spends his entire walk with eyes and nose endlessly searching for food, so unless it's something in plain view he usually sees it before I do.

He got an entire hamburger once in the park.

Here's my biggest fear: One year when we were in Niagara Falls, some nut put out bread soaked in anti-freeze in one of the dog parks in Toronto. So now I'm always a bit paranoid that the innocent food lying on the ground is not-so-innocent.

Needless to say, I'll be watching Jack like a hawk for the next two days.
I wouldn't worry unless it was a couple...mine occasionally get french fries or something and it's not a big enough amount.I would be more worried about meat and it being old! Wow how cruel with the antifreeze in the bread...I can't say what I'd like to about that! I agree why do people have to do this????
He will be just fine, fat isn't much an issue to dogs, sugars, fibre and carbs are more foreign to their systems. Hopefully the food was 'innocent'. The majority of crap of the ground usually is at least in my area.
There are loads of people that probably willingly feel their dog donuts or another similar human treats and -though it isn't healthy in the long run -they survive it so I'm sure Jack will be ok! We find a lot of chicken wing bones on our walks. Are people just strolling down the street eating wings and throwing the bones on the sidewalk??
I get this too, and the second I see one do it I am going to chew the >insert explitive of your choosing< out. I live right down the street from a wing place and there are many irresponsible childish teenagers (and adults) around.. Fortunately I can get them from Loki without him chewing my hand off nowadays
Omg... I know exactly what you're talking about... and the anti-freeze thing just boggles me! It's a dog park not some neighbor with a dog issue! That just scares me....

We live in an apartment complex with a parking lot loop with grass on one side and little green gardens between the batches of houses. For some reason people think this whole area is a trash can! Besides others not picking up after their own dogs we've seen everything everyone else has mentioned... including used.. uh.. things, NEEDLES (wtf.. I don't let the pups go down a little hill now b.c of that) and two days ago someone left a full can of paint on the side of the road.. open with a plastic wrap thing over it... What were they painting?!

Of course both dogs go straight for the paint bucket and thankfully listened to my leave it! but you just know both heads would've gone in there.. ugh.

and the whole chicken bone thing was in the front of my apartment - yay bbq season and unthoughtful neighbors.
Sorry to hear that. I feel your pain. Kids in our neighborhood throw around food of all kinds. Fries and ice cream are usual.
We also go alot to a strip mall where my fiance works and there are a lot of food places. He constantly scouts for food leftovers ugh.
I think Jack should be ok, probably an upset stomach . But I am sure he enjoyed that donut. Nala and Cosmo are always on the hunt for something on the ground too. "Freebies!" they might think. Meanwhile, I am the bad mom who don't let them eat anything outside the house. But I have always been afraid that somebody can put glass, poison, needles, or something else in the food. People can be really mean sometimes. Hope Jack is feeling good and nothing happens.
Yeah, I try to stop him from grabbing stuff when I can. He's the alert dog on our block (his late-night barking has caused us to turn on lights and see what's up on quite a few occasions), and there is a parking lot for a city park right near our house that is sometimes used for what appears to be drug deals. I'm always afraid someone might get a nasty thought into their mean little head...
So far he's none the worse for wear. He's practically bouncing off the walls, though; I think it's the sugar, as he usually sleeps most of the day. I am off work today, by coincidence, so I just took them both for a half-hour walk to burn off some of that energy and of course the calories. Hardly any supper for him tonight....

Usually he'll "leave it" IF I spot something first. If I don't, he figures it's fair game.


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