I posted about this about a month ago, but nobody answered.  I'm hoping this time someone reads this.

Kelso is just about 1 1/2 now and he's been favoring his back leg for close to a month.  The vet has put it down to his being on large doses of ivermectin daily for 6 weeks.  This can cause joint inflammation.  As such, he isn't concerned about doing xrays or anything. 

The leg and hip doesn't hurt him when we squeeze or move it.  I've checked his pads and in between and squeezed his toes.  He's fine.   He even jumps up and down for his dinner if I don't stop him in time.  And the problem does seem to be getting better, but when he's been lying down for a bit, he limps on it, or just doesn't even use it.

Has anyone had a similar experience?  Is it time to look for a new vet?  We're already unhappy with his unconcern about our oldest cat's hyperthyroid problem and the misinformation he gave us then.  But I don't want to put Kelso through a bunch of annoying tests if it just takes 2 months for things to go back to normal. 

BTW:  He's been getting ginger in his food for the inflammation and I'm going to start him on chondroitin and glucosamine, as well as pro-biotics. 

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I have no experience with this particular issue as far as his healthy goes.  If his pain is improving then maybe he really is on the mend?

As far as your Veterinarian is concerned, if you aren't happy with the care that your pets are receiving, then I (personally) would look for a new Vet.  I know it's a hassle getting medical histories and information all transferred to a new place, but if it will improve your pets' care and give you peace of mind, then why not?  Would you keep going to a doctor, yourself, if you were unhappy with how he/she was treating you?  ;)

We're looking.  We're just new in the area, picked this vet based on his education and some net reviews, and while he was really good with all the neuters and he and the office staff are super nice, we're just not feeling completely confident with some of the more complicated things.  And since we don't really know anyone to ask, we're on our own, throwing darts at a board hoping to find a good one. 

And on that note, have I found a doctor for myself at all yet?  Of course not :).

This link goes to a site where you can search for animal hospitals (AAHA accredited) by area.  I've only ever dealt with just one Veterinarian, but the hospital that she works at is AAHA accredited (the only one in my area) and the care has been fantastic.  I'm sure that care will vary from area to area, but maybe it will give you a good idea of where to look for other Veterinarians.  Most of the places that were listed within 50 miles of me had websites with lots of information.

And I hear you on finding a doctor.  ;)  I didn't have one for around 4 years, but had to finally find one because my health started going all goofy.  I did change doctors twice, though, before finally settling on the one that I have now.  The other two were impossible to see unless I made an appointment, literally, 3 months in advance.

Thanks for the link.   He's all accredited and went to Cornell, plus he was a one-man operation, which I think usually works better than one of those huge clinics with 5-10 vets. Or so it's been my experience.  I don't know--maybe he's planning to retire soon and just wants to milk the practice until he does.

I'm still keeping my dentist from where we used to live, just because I never have issues and it's 2x a year for cleaning, so the 2 1/2 hour drive isn't really so bad.  I have stuff to do for work there as well, so I can always combine trips.  But I haven't switched doctors yet and somehow I'm thinking I should have one closer than 2 /12 hours away :)

Our Vet is part of a small hospital (only 3 or 4 Vets in a small-ish building), but I think it just depends on the individual.  As another person said, a good indication is when the doc greets the pet first.  And our Vet definitely has her eyes on our Yuki or Ellie before she looks at us.  It's pretty important, too, because any exam begins (whether it's a doctor with a human or a Vet with a pet) when they first see the patient.  They're trained to look for irregularities, signs of pain, abnormal gait, etc. 

It's a shame I don't know anyone down near Elmira.  I'm only familiar with a few Vets upstate and they would all be 2 or more hours away from you.  The one thing I like about a practice with more than one Veterinarian is that you have the option to switch Vets without having to switch practices.  Plus if my Vet is unavailable for some reason (vacation, sick or whatever else might be happening) there are others who can provide emergency care and still have access to medical histories.  I did luck out, though, as my Vet has a close friend that breeds corgis and she helps her out a lot. 

Oh, I should add that when you call around looking for a new Vet, ask the receptionist what his/her opinion is about the Vet(s).  Explain your situation and concerns regarding thorough examinations and treatment and see if they think he or she would work well for you. 

Thanks for the advice and I do wish you were closer because your vet sounds ideal. 

I really am confused with our vet.  When we took our new kittens in, he was extremely thorough and caring and did a great job.  But each subsequent visit with a different pet has just been increasingly cursory in terms of exams.  And the nurses take us back to the rooms, so the vet never actually sees any pet walk or move much at all.  I'm really starting to suspect he's riding this out until retirement, and has picked a replacement to buy out the business, and his heart is no longer in it.  Sigh.

Why is he on the ivermectin?  Could he have done anything to injure it?  I'm wondering if he doesn't have a knee injury...Jackson does the same thing you are describing.  He'll limp periodically when getting up before stretching his leg out really good, or he'll limp if he's been really active that day.  We know he has a torn ACL (very old injury) that healed on its own (in a puppy mill).

He was on the Ivermectin for demodectic mange.  He was diagnosed before we moved when he was around 10 months old.  Our old house had a pretty bad mold issue it turns out, so apparently that weakened his immature immune system and the mites took advantage.  The old vet there (or rather his partner, who we really weren't thrilled with, but she has corgis herself!) prescribed mitaban dips for about 2 months.  Meanwhile, we moved and while he seemed okay for a bit, the mites came back.  So, new vet said do the systemic treatment of Ivermectin for 6 weeks. 

I don't think he could have injured it, unless he did it playing with his brother.  It just started to come on slowly during the last 2 weeks or so of treatment and has lingered since, although it does seem to be fading.

Your vet should be able to determine with manipulation whether they need x-rays for an injury. If you have reason to not trust this vet I would get a second opinion. My Sparty has a partially torn CL and had similar symptoms but my vet determined that we did need x-rays after manipulating it. It is a little tricky because many dogs will hide their pain at all costs (it is a survival instinct). If you are not very happy with your vet, change, there are lots of them out there.

Yeah, you know, the vet barely looked at him and seemed to just take it in stride that it was the Ivermectin when I said his joints were bothering him.

Honestly, I think he was mad that we brought three pets in at once, because he lost an extra $14 in multi-pet discounts.  Nice as everyone is there, I do feel there's a money grubbing element.  Any meds they've sold us (even things we could have gotten at Petsmart, if they'd told us they were NOT prescriptions) have been marked up 400% at least.  And don't get me started on the cat's hyperthyroid issues.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that brings in severals animals at once so I don't have to pay for the visit for only one.  If you have a "feeling" that something isn't "right" I would find a new vet also. Good luck!

I had a vet once (he was so awesome too!) who actually encouraged it and he gave a really big discount, not just $7/pet.

There's a clinic that has a holistic vet up in Ithaca, which is only 40 minutes away from us.  I might go check them out.  I'd just prefer something close by in case of emergencies. Unfortunately the one we could basically walk to seems to be more about selling things than anything--they have a "store" in the lobby with Hills products and the like.  Not the sort of practice that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


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