As the title may suggest, my dear 5 month old Corgi Mac isn't eating his food - at least voluntarily... He never eats his kibble which happens to be Chicken Soup for the Soul, Puppy version, which as I researched is pretty high grade food, by his self and only eats around half a dozen nibbles then nothing else.

The only time he eats is if he eats with canned food or if we cook a small egg to mix with his kibble which we simply can't do regularly. Even with the mixture, he only picks out the latter and leaves a majority of the kibble behind. We just bought a 13 pound bag and aren't going to waste close to 100 dollars (we live in Thailand so the importing raises the price significantly) and buy him new food.

A reason for this may be our 3 day vacation to the beach and we had left him at his previous home, the breeder, where his father still resides, but even before this, Mac still didn't eat very much but now it's getting worse...

Is there anyway you could help me at all please?

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I have 3 thought thats might work for Mac as my Bella really didn't care if she ate or not. It is also fairly common for them to cut back on food.
1. I made my own soft dog food with broth,rice and either chicken or liver (ground up)also can add veggies and then would freeze in an ice cube tray.I would put this on her food 1 X per day to make sure she at least got 1 good meal. STIR it in very well so it mixes with the kibbles.
2.Try a raw egg mixed well as he can't pick it out.
3.I make home made treats with peanut butter and I would crumble up 2 of them again mixing well and she would eat. If you would like the recipe I could give you it.

I know it seems strange for a corgi not to eat and I don't think it's the food but just not very important to him right now and I have used the dog food you have and I believe it is on the list of the "better" foods.

Good Luck!
How to freeze the veggies? Like what kind and is it soft or hard?
have you tried soaking the kibble in water? Put kibbles in a cup, fill it up until the kibble pieces are covered in water, then place it into the fridge overnight. Take it out and scoop them into the bowl, mash them (so they look like soft food) and feed him. I would recommend slowly introducing him to the food by spoon feeding him for the first couple of bites and then letting him eat it on his own..
You can add a can(drained) of carrotts or green beans(smashed) to the ice cube mix or you can cook enough frozen ones for a few days and smash them with a fork. You can also cook up some baby carrotts just about 1/2 done and use them for treats! Bella finally got out of this stage at about 18 months and I don't feed her this anymore except for a treat once in awhile.
It is absolutely normal at his age, he's teething and dry kibble hurts his gums.
Try to mix in some warm water or chiken broth to soften it up. Warm liquid also releases yummy smell that will make it more attractive.
We had the same exact issue with Shiro and this really helped.
Hope it works, let us know.
BTW Mac is adorable!
Have you tried adding hot water or broth to the kibble? This helps bring out the "smell" of the food. Also we have added a little yogurt (a spoonful) sometimes or warmed veggies (carrots and green beans are Jet's favorite).
From age 4 months and on, Finnigan was picky with food. When he was young I didn't want to let him skip a meal because as a growing puppy I figured he needed the nutrients. Some of the time I would have to feed him from my hand or at least feed him a few pieces then sit there while he ate the rest from the bowl. If I tried to walk away he's stop eating. It also worked if I pretended I was going to eat his food then he’d suddenly become very interested. We also did a lot of mixing to make it more appealing. We would mix in cottage cheese or yogurt or just crumble a treat over the food. Finnigan is a year old now and he will eat his breakfast right away but dinner usually takes longer and once in a while he will skip it altogether. We no longer have to mix anything in to get him to eat though.
Most puppies will go through stages like this. Some will be more picky than others. As long as they are growing well and eat occasionally and the food is healthy it will pass. Your choice is to continue offering the food you want him to eat until this stage passes or try to cater to his moods. Once he has trained you to offer what he wants it will pass and you will forever have a picky eater. It is OK if that is what you want.
I agree with Bev on this one! Both of my pups went through this phase around this age. I worried about Lyla for the longest time because it felt to me like she never ate! However, she was still putting on weight and playing, and she outgrew it just like most pups do. In fact, when she started to do it again about a month ago, I cut her food down by about 1/3 from what the bag said she should be eating and she is doing much better now. I think this last time she was just getting more food than she needed and she was cutting herself off (crazy for a Corgi, I know!).

I would caution against too much adding "good stuff" to get him to eat because than he will really never eat unless you ad fun treats to his food. Corgis are smart and will learn that if he just holds out long enough he will get the good stuff added to his food.
4-5 months - 100% teething. Their teeth are loose and gums are sore that's why dry food is not appealing. No good stuff is necessary, just warm water or broth.
Pretending to eat his food definitely helped. And also putting kibble into a king so he has to work to get it out. Makes it a lot more interesting.
I think it's funny that they want the food if they thin kyou are going to eat it. Finn would run up and whine until I moved out of the way and let him dig in. :)
In our case, we were adding cottage cheese or yogurt to his food anyway for the added calcium so rather than adding it to one meal, we split the amount in half and added it to both meals during those picky times. We never feed him table scraps so he never got a taste for people food. Now at a year old he eats his food without a problem and on the rare occasion that he skips a meal we leave him be and he gobbles down the next meal. Could be that sometimes his tummy doesn't feel good or he's just not hungry.


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