WE have  talked and talked about our dogs with aggressive problems till im blue in the face. So I dont need answers just have to share. I finally talked to my vet about Carly he suggested a anti anxiety pill, generic Prozac, twice a day to see if she calms down...

My goodness i hope it works . Tonight was her 3rd time to take it and of course its not long enough to know anything, good or bad.. Im so tired of this mess..   She attacked  Frankie again in kitchen while i was sweeping tonight. I think they smelled a blackberry that had rolled under the fridge and were both  trying to get it.. no other food around.  I noticed her being grumpy earlier about a toy he was chewing and i corrected her and put her in the crate for a hr . It was time for bed so i took them out side for the last pee of the night and this happened.

My husband is so upset about her problems im praying the pill works..  Hes really afraid ill get hurt pulling her off Frankie one day or that he will get seriously hurt , so far just his feeling are .

NOT sure i have $$ for a behaviorist but ill see what they cost  and go from there.

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Oh dear.   Good luck!  This is a good cautionary tale for everyone who has one dog and is thinking of adding another.  My current two get along pretty well, but I lived with two dogs who hated each other when I still was a kid/teenager, and it's not fun.  Basically we had to maintain them separately from each other in the same house.  They could not be in the same room together.   It became second nature after awhile (this one comes in, the other one gets locked up).  But certainly it wasn't the best possible life for either dog and not something that everyone would be comfortable maintaining.  

With the exception of some hounds and a few others I'm not thinking of right now, MOST dogs were not historically selected based on their ability to live peacefully with other dogs;  most people had a dog, or had kennels.  The fact is, not all dogs are happy to live with another dog, and those who aren't show their frustration with their teeth.  

I hope the medication helps for Carly.   I think it's harder when the one who doesn't cope is the one who came first.  

I had no idea she'd behave this way Beth.., the main reason i got another corgi was so shed have a play mate and because she is so high strung and i just could not keep her entertained 24/7..

This breaks my heart, literally for her and Frankie, hes so easy going avoids her when he know its feeding time. Ive been putting her in the bathrm and shutting the door to eat the past few days , hes very submissive to her.. Frankie never fights back and believe it of not he still loves to play with her and lay beside her whens she is in a tolerant mood.. ..

 The medicine has to work , i cant see myself letting her go anywhere, although i think shed like a home with out another dog. If that person had the time and energy to exercise her and not make her stay out side. You see thats what i worry about , like shes my kid :( i cant stand the thought of her being somewhere locked outside because  shes so clingy and wont go out unless im there. 

i just want her to be happy and not living in the crate all the time.. 

I hope that you are able to figure it out.  I'm sorry you are having problems.  :(  I know when it comes to food, corgis can be food aggressive, I know that we have to be very careful about dropping food if Lance and Tucker are around, cause it could result in a fight. 

I'm sure its frusturating, heres hoping that it can be worked out, so that no one gets hurt badly. 

Thanks Natalie, im sitting her crying over this dog,  wondering what the heck im gonna do . I appreciate  the fact that i can spell it out on MyCorgi  and someone  will understand .. Unfortunately my husband is not as gaga as i am over these dogs,  hes more cut and dry, fix the problem and go on with life..


:(  Hugs

Have you just started feeding dinner separately, if so I would make that something you do all the time.  We knew that Lance had food aggression (unfortunately), so right from the get go we fed them in seperate rooms.

Yes and no, for a month i had actually been feeding him across the rm and she would stay in kitchen, then i realized that wasnt good enough because she is such a slow eater.. He gets done and  even though he has no intention of going near her she comes to him and warns him to stay away.. .. sometimes thats all she does other times she is snappy and growls, when his ears lay back i would go in for the separation . Not this weekend it escalated.. long story but the little granddaughters were here food was dropping on the floor and more situations were happening for danger.

 Husband says dog is going to live autside , or in the crate . i freak out , call the vet and now shes on Prozac.

 Then last night was even stranger with the fridge , every day its different .. apparently the resource guarding is getting worse, she is two and i read somewhere at two they change.. Id say shes always had a little problem sharing but then ive also see her give up items of less importance .???

:-( So sorry to hear. I hope the medication works to settle things down a bit. I can't imagine having to deal with something like this. I hope things get figured out and your babies can live together without too much trouble. My old friend/vet had a dog that used to fight pretty bad with her fiances dog and they hired an in-home trainer who came out I believe 5 times to her house to help her work with the dogs, it actually ended up fixing the problem and they now live together in peace. There are lots of changes that had to happen in the house but the two dogs can sit near each other now without getting into a fight. She ended up at the emergency clinic having to stitch up her dog on more than one occasion. So even though a private trainer may be expensive, it may save a lot of heartache in the end.

I hope the medication works for you...it is a tough situation to be in. When we added our grand dog, Misty, Sparty really disliked her so we knew it would be a struggle. I leashed Sparty and attached the leash to me for days. Later I just did it during the times that I knew he would be aggravated. Fortunately for me the much bigger grand dog is very submissive and never fights back and Sparty after many years of obedience classes has great respect for the leash (some times me :). At least with a leash you can more easily break them up. After attaching it to you for a while you can also let her drag it. Being able to pull one dog away safely is key to breaking things up. After I correct Sparty I stand in front of him with a hard stare until he lays down and takes his eyes off mine. It took quite a while but we have peace in our house the vast majority of the time now. Good luck to you and Carly.

Bev ive used the leash but alot throughout her life for correction, but not lately, sometime i dont think to do that and im in denial i guess..Your so right though and besides the inconvenience of it it did work ..

Im thankful as well that Frankie doesnt want to fight back hes about 8 to 10 lbs bigger and a really  happy laid back boy.:). do you know if this behavior from Carly will create a change in his personality?

Priscilla,  I do think it is possible that this will make it difficult for Frankie to trust other dogs but you can still help him with his confidence with classes separate from Carly. I just put the leash on Sparty every day and let him drag it around. That way I never had to remember! I figured poor Misty would have been home less if I could not make it work so I was very committed. She is a very sweet doberman that at the time we took her in had some major problems that would have made her tough to place with a stranger. Almost 4 years later, she is doing very well and is very happy. Sparty still doesn't like her but backs down as soon as I tell him to. The leash increases your ability to be the "leader" in the dogs mind.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.  It must be heartbreaking and so frustrating!  I hope the medicine works for you guys!  Check with your community colleges, sometimes they have dog behaviour programs, and you can get someone who's in training to come for a lot cheaper.  Maybe your vet knows someone too who could help for cheaper?  If not, we could probably get up a donation to help you with costs.

My heart goes out to all of you. I live with this also and after figuring it out and still having to be very mindful of the possible situations we are doing well. I hope it this works for you and Carly:)


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