My corgi developed cloudy, blue eye(s)...please help? (Warning: LONG)

I posted a blog about the cloudy eye scare 3 days ago.  Please read it first before proceeding.

I checked the website of my local animal eye care specialist and found some information
on eye conditions.  The corneal endothelial dystrophy sounds like what Brian has.  His left eye is cloudy and blue while the whites of his eyes are red, with discharge coming out of his eye.

I did a search on the forums here on mycorgi and found this:
Supplements—need to be careful with these. There are danger in over nutrition—some vets have seen cases of corneal dystrophy (a degenerative eye condition) caused by supplements.

I started feeding Ein and Brian a new type of food, called Vital by Freshpet, which is a few days before Brian started having eye issues (I got samples of each flavor/recipe).  His old food is Canidae All Life Stages.    Could it be the high level of moisture that's causing the possible corneal dystrophy?  Is Vital food too rich for Brian?  I'm doubting the ingredients in Vital are not an issue as most of the ingredients are contained to Canidae. 

The thing that's starting to worry me even more than I already am is that Brian's right eye is starting to look blue (on day 4).  Brian's left eye is still completely cloudy and blue, and he's keeping it closed as much as he can.  :(  I read online that dogs keep their eyes closed when their eyes are in pain...

Please look at the pictures attached:
Picture #1 was day 1.
Picture #2 is day 3.- what weirds me out is that it seems to look like it's getting better.
Picture #3 is day 4 - taken tonight.

We got Brian an e-collar today to help prevent him from pawing at his eyes, since he just started doing so. 

I did another search on corneal dystrophy and the website says to watch out for ulcers, but the vet did not find any ulcers, scratches, on his eye.  And the pressure was normal too.  So, it makes me think that Brian does not have corneal dystrophy.

and this site says Pembroke Welsh Corgis are affected by the disorder (which then again convinces me that it may very well be corneal dystrophy):

I am thinking about taking Brian to the vet eye specialist instead of going back to the vet since I'm afraid the vet may have missed something despite the two tests she performed.  But I figure I'd post here first for any insight you guys may have.  It breaks my heart watching Brian keep his eyes closed with an E-collar on, not wanting to move. 

Thank you! 

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That is very scary. I am so sorry you and Brian are going through this. Did she have any idea on what caused it? Was the small scratch the initial cause, or did that happen after it started to swell?

I will send all the positive thoughts I can muster in your direction, and Brian's.
I'm sorry, I just realized that you already said the vet said it could have been anything that caused it. I missed that part the first time through.
Did the vet clean Brian's eye during those visits? She should wash and clean out the puss. All the meds she prescribed sounds fine and a non steriod is a wise choice. Keep squirting that saline bottle, rewet the eye and wash the surrounding area every two hours and keep it clean. Get well soon Brian!
Poor baby Brian and you. I'm sooo sorry to hear all the pain and stress that is going on. I hope for the best and you guys are in my thoughts all the time. Please keep updating. Hugs from me and Kota
Just praying for a good result for you! Corgi hugs.
I am so sorry you and Brian have to go through this also! We're sending wishes for a full and speedy recovery your and Brian's way! Please keep us updated!
AJ, I'm so sorry Brian is hurting. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I'm praying Brian heals soon and his back to his old self.
Wow, AJ, poor Brian and poor you! It's so painful for all concerned when our pals are hurting. Corgi hugs for both of you!
Poor Brian! :( I feel so bad for you both.. I really hope his medicine helps him!!
Yesterday night, Brian's left eye bled a little. So if you are squeamish like me, please proceed with caution. Or not at all.

And this came out:

We cleaned the blood off with purified water and administered his eye drops. I picked it up with tweezers and put it in a clean test tube I had left over from chemistry class. So that I can bring it in to the vet to see what it is. I thought it was eye-tissue. Bf thought it was the foreign object that might've been stuck in his eye.

But today, I woke up to find Brian licking his e-collar. And turns out he was licking up his blood from his eye! There was a lot of thick blood and a bit of puss coming out of his eye. Worse than yesterday night's bleeding. I took a picture but I think it will scare you all even more so I will not post it up.

I quickly called up the vet and they were able to let me come in without an appointment, even though there were a lot of people with appointments. The vet just looked at his eye and said it seems as though the eyelid was bleeding, not the actual eye. Then he referred me to an ophthalmologist; he said it will be considered an "emergency" visit there. He gave me directions to the hospital and let me leave for free. Problem is, I don't know how much that an emergency visit costs...and it sounds really costly. What if I wait until tomorrow to get an appointment at the eye vet I saw? The eye vet is closed on Sundays.. Sucks that pet insurance doesn't cover preexisting issues.
I know it's $$$$$ but I would be to afraid to wait! We are so sorry! and feel so bad for all of you!
If it were me, I would go to the emergency vet, but then I'm not in a position where the finances would be a hardship.

Whatever you choose, I'll hope for the best for you and Brian.


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